import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js'; import redisClient from './redis'; import { getGasPricesInGwei } from './blockchain'; import { GasAlert } from '../types/gasAlert'; // Respond to the "/gas" command const handleGasCommand = async (interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise => { const gasPrices = await getGasPricesInGwei(); console.log(`Replying to command "/gas": \n${gasPrices}`); const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor('#0099ff') .setTitle('Current Gas Prices') .setDescription(`The current gas prices are: \n\n Fast: ${} Gwei \n\n Average: ${gasPrices.average} Gwei \n\n Slow: ${gasPrices.slow} Gwei`) await interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed] }); }; // Respond to the "/gas alert ${gwei}" command const handleGasAlertCommand = async (interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise => { const threshold = parseInt(interaction.options.getString('gwei')!); const channelId = interaction.channelId; const userId =; const gasAlert: GasAlert = { threshold, channelId, userId }; console.log(`Replying to command "/gas gwei ${threshold}"`); await redisClient.connect(); await redisClient.hSet('gas-alerts', `${userId}`, JSON.stringify(gasAlert)); await redisClient.disconnect(); await interaction.reply(`Your gas alert threshold of ${threshold} Gwei has been set.`); }; // Respond to the "/gas pending" command const handleGasPendingCommand = async (interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise => { const userId =; await redisClient.connect(); const alertThreshold = await redisClient.get(`${userId}`); await redisClient.disconnect(); console.log(`Replying to command "/gas pending"`); if (alertThreshold === null) { await interaction.reply('No gas price alerts set'); } else { await interaction.reply(`Current gas price alert threshold: ${alertThreshold} Gwei`); } }; export { handleGasCommand, handleGasAlertCommand, handleGasPendingCommand };