const axios = require('axios'); const jsonfile = require('jsonfile'); let sessionID; function parseQuestionsAndAnswers(jsonStr) { const obj = JSON.parse(jsonStr); const questions = obj.questions; const answers = => q.answer); return { questions, answers }; } module.exports = { name: "view-session-history", description: "View your current conversation.", run: async (client, interaction) => { const file = './cache/' +; await jsonfile.readFile(file, async function (err, session) { if (err) return interaction.editReply('Please create a session using /create-session.'); sessionID =; if (!sessionID) { console.log("No Session!"); isProcessing = false; return; } const headers = { 'authority': process.env.PUBLIC_URL, 'accept': 'text/event-stream', }; const response = await axios.get(`http://${process.env.INTERNAL_IP}:8008/api/chat/${sessionID}`, { headers, auth: { username: process.env.USERNAME, password: process.env.PASS } }); console.log( if (! return interaction.editReply("You have no history in this session yet :) "); const result = parseQuestionsAndAnswers(JSON.stringify(; let pairsString = ""; for (const question of result.questions) { pairsString += `***Question:*** ${question.question}\n***Answer:*** ${question.answer}\n`; } interaction.editReply(pairsString); }) if (err) console.error("woo" + err) }, };