![origin_github_banner](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/673455/37314301-f8db9a90-2618-11e8-8fee-b44f38febf38.png) Head to https://www.originprotocol.com/developers to learn more about what we're building and how to get involved. # Telegram Bot - Deletes messages matching specified patterns - Bans users for posting messages matching specified patterns - Bans users with usernames matching specified patterns - Records logs of conversations - Logs an English translation of any foreign languages using Google Translate - Uses textblob for basic sentiment analysis of both polarity and subjectivity ## Installation - Required: Python 3.x, pip, PostgreSQL - Create virtualenv - Clone this repo - `pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt` ## Database setup - Store database URL in environment variable. ``` export TELEGRAM_BOT_POSTGRES_URL="postgresql://:@localhost:5432/" ``` - Run: `python model.py` to setup the DB tables. ## Setup - Create a Telegram bot by talking to `@BotFather` : https://core.telegram.org/bots#creating-a-new-bot - Use `/setprivacy` with `@BotFather` in order to allow it to see all messages in a group. - Store your Telegram Bot Token in environment variable `TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN`. It will look similar to this: ``` export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN="4813829027:ADJFKAf0plousH2EZ2jBfxxRWFld3oK34ya" ``` - Create your Telegram group. - Add your bot to the group like so: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37338101/how-to-add-a-bot-to-a-telegram-group - Make your bot an admin in the group ## Configuration with ENV vars - `MESSAGE_BAN_PATTERNS` : **REQUIRED** Regex pattern. Messages matching this will ban the user. - `MESSAGE_HIDE_PATTERNS` : **REQUIRED** Regex pattern. Messages matching this will be hidden/deleted - `NAME_BAN_PATTERNS` **REQUIRED** Regex pattern. Users with usernames or first/last names maching this will be banned from the group. - `CHAT_IDS` : **REQUIRED**. Comma-seperated list of IDs of chat(s) that should be monitored. To find out the ID of a chat, add the bot to a chat and type some messages there. The bot log will report an error that it got messages `from chat_id not being monitored: XXX` where XXX is the chat ID. e.g. `-240532994,-150531679` - `TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` : **REQUIRED**. Token for bot to control. e.g. `4813829027:ADJFKAf0plousH2EZ2jBfxxRWFld3oK34ya` - `TELEGRAM_BOT_POSTGRES_URL` : **REQUIRED**. URI for postgres instance to log activity to. e.g. `postgresql://localhost/postgres` - `DEBUG` : If set to anything except `false`, will put bot into debug mode. This means that all actions will be logged into the chat itself, and more things will be logged. - `ADMIN_EXEMPT` : If set to anything except `false`, admin users will be exempt from monitoring. Reccomended to be set, but useful to turn off for debugging. - `NOTIFY_CHAT` : ID of chat to report actions. Can be useful if you have an admin-only chat where you want to monitor the bot's activity. E.g. `-140532994` - `CMC_API_KEY`: If you want the `/price` bot command to work, make sure to set a CoinMarketcap API key ## Download the corpus for Textblob For sentiment analysis to work, you'll need to download the latest corpus file for textblob. You can do this by running: ``` python -m textblob.download_corpora ``` If you're running the bot on Heroku, set an environment variable named `NLTK_DATA` to `/app/nltk_data` by running: ``` heroku config:set NLTK_DATA='/app/nltk_data' ``` ## Message ban patterns Sample bash file to set `MESSAGE_BAN_PATTERNS`: ``` read -r -d '' MESSAGE_BAN_PATTERNS << 'EOF' # ETH Address # e.g. F8C8405e85Cfe42551DEfeB2a4548A33bb3DF840 [0-9a-fA-F]{40,40} # BTC Address # e.g. 13qt9rCA2CQLZedmUuDiPkwdcAJLsuTvLm |[0-9a-fA-Z]{34,34} EOF ``` ## Attachments By default, any attachments other than images or animations will cause the message to be hidden. ## Running ### Locally - Run: `python bot.py` to start logger - Messages will be displayed on `stdout` as they are logged. ### On Heroku - You must enable the worker on Heroku app dashboard. (By default it is off.)