# Telegram Group Chat Logger This is a bot that logs public Group Chats to an SQL Database. ## Installation - Required: Python 3.X , PostgreSQL, Telegram Bot - Clone this repo - `pip install requirements.txt` ## Bot/Group Setup - Create a group - Add your bot to the group like so: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37338101/how-to-add-a-bot-to-a-telegram-group - your bot only sees commands. Use `/setprivacy` with `@BotFather` in order to allow it to see all messages in a group. ## Running the bot - Create a Database, eg. `origindb` - Store your Telegram Bot Token in an environment variable, eg. `echo $ORIGINTOKEN` - Add your DB credentials to `model.py` eg. `engine = create_engine('postgresql://postgres:@localhost:5432/')` - Run: `python model.py` to setup the DB tables, etc. - Run: `python bot.py` to start logger