The backend consists of a primary Express and server, and 3 Cloudflare Workers microservices for the D1 database, R2 storage, and Workers AI. The D1 database also contains a [service binding]( to the R2 storage worker.
Add the required environment variables in `.env` (example file provided in `.env.example`)
Project files will be stored in the `projects/<project-id>` directory. The middleware contains basic authorization logic for connecting to the server.
Run in development mode
npm run dev
### Cloudflare Workers (Database, Storage, AI)
Install dependencies
cd backend/<database|storage|ai> # do these individually
npm install
For each, add the required environment variables in `.env` (example file provided in `.env.example`). For the AI worker, you can define any value you want for the `CF_AI_KEY` -- set this in other `.env` files to authorize access.
Run in development mode
npm run dev
## Contributing
Thanks for your interest in contributing! Review this section before submitting your first pull request. If you need any help, feel free to reach out to [@ishaandey\_](
Please prioritize existing issues, but feel free to contribute new issues if you have ideas for a feature or bug that you think would be useful.