import { X } from "lucide-react" import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react" import LoadingDots from "../../ui/LoadingDots" import ChatInput from "./ChatInput" import ChatMessage from "./ChatMessage" import ContextTabs from "./ContextTabs" import { handleSend, handleStopGeneration } from "./lib/chatUtils" import { nanoid } from 'nanoid' import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor' import { TFile, TFolder } from "@/lib/types" import { useSocket } from "@/context/SocketContext" interface Message { role: "user" | "assistant" content: string context?: string } interface ContextTab { id: string type: "file" | "code" | "image" name: string content: string lineRange?: { start: number; end: number } } interface AIChatProps { activeFileContent: string activeFileName: string onClose: () => void editorRef: React.MutableRefObject lastCopiedRangeRef: React.MutableRefObject<{ startLine: number; endLine: number } | null> files: (TFile | TFolder)[] } export default function AIChat({ activeFileContent, activeFileName, onClose, editorRef, lastCopiedRangeRef, files, }: AIChatProps) { const { socket } = useSocket() const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]) const [input, setInput] = useState("") const [isGenerating, setIsGenerating] = useState(false) const chatContainerRef = useRef(null) const abortControllerRef = useRef(null) const [contextTabs, setContextTabs] = useState([]) const [isContextExpanded, setIsContextExpanded] = useState(false) const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false) const textareaRef = useRef(null) useEffect(() => { scrollToBottom() }, [messages]) const scrollToBottom = () => { if (chatContainerRef.current) { setTimeout(() => { chatContainerRef.current?.scrollTo({ top: chatContainerRef.current.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth", }) }, 100) } } const addContextTab = (type: string, name: string, content: string, lineRange?: { start: number; end: number }) => { const newTab = { id: nanoid(), type: type as "file" | "code" | "image", name, content, lineRange } setContextTabs(prev => [...prev, newTab]) } const removeContextTab = (id: string) => { setContextTabs(prev => prev.filter(tab => !== id)) } const handleAddFile = () => { console.log("Add file to context") } const formatCodeContent = (content: string) => { // Remove starting and ending code block markers if they exist return content.replace(/^```[\w-]*\n/, '').replace(/\n```$/, '') } const getCombinedContext = () => { if (contextTabs.length === 0) return '' return => { if (tab.type === 'file') { const fileExt ='.').pop() || 'txt' const cleanContent = formatCodeContent(tab.content) return `File ${}:\n\`\`\`${fileExt}\n${cleanContent}\n\`\`\`` } else if (tab.type === 'code') { const cleanContent = formatCodeContent(tab.content) return `Code from ${}:\n\`\`\`typescript\n${cleanContent}\n\`\`\`` } return `${}:\n${tab.content}` }).join('\n\n') } const handleSendWithContext = () => { const combinedContext = getCombinedContext() handleSend( input, combinedContext, messages, setMessages, setInput, setIsContextExpanded, setIsGenerating, setIsLoading, abortControllerRef, activeFileContent ) // Clear context tabs after sending setContextTabs([]) } function setContext(context: string | null, fileName?: string, lineRange?: { start: number; end: number }): void { if (!context) { setContextTabs([]) return } const existingCodeTab = contextTabs.find(tab => tab.type === 'code') if (existingCodeTab) { setContextTabs(prev => => === ? {, content: context, name: fileName || 'Code Context', lineRange } : tab ) ) } else { addContextTab('code', fileName || 'Chat Context', context, lineRange) } } useEffect(() => { if (editorRef?.current) { const editor = editorRef.current; // Configure editor options for better copy handling editor.updateOptions({ copyWithSyntaxHighlighting: true, emptySelectionClipboard: false }); // Track selection changes const disposable = editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection((e) => { if (!e.selection.isEmpty()) { lastCopiedRangeRef.current = { startLine: e.selection.startLineNumber, endLine: e.selection.endLineNumber }; } }); return () => disposable.dispose(); } }, [editorRef?.current]); return (
{, messageIndex) => ( ))} {isLoading && }
setIsContextExpanded(!isContextExpanded)} files={files} socket={socket} onFileSelect={(file: TFile) => { socket?.emit("getFile", { fileId: }, (response: string) => { const fileExt ='.').pop() || 'txt' const formattedContent = `\`\`\`${fileExt}\n${response}\n\`\`\`` addContextTab('file',, formattedContent) if (textareaRef.current) { textareaRef.current.focus() } }) }} /> handleStopGeneration(abortControllerRef)} onImageUpload={(file) => { const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = (e) => { if ( { addContextTab("image",, as string) } } reader.readAsDataURL(file) }} onFileMention={(fileName) => { }} lastCopiedRangeRef={lastCopiedRangeRef} activeFileName={activeFileName} contextTabs={ => ({, title: // Add missing title property }))} onRemoveTab={removeContextTab} />
) }