import { Sandbox as E2BSandbox } from "e2b" import { Socket } from '' import { AIWorker } from "./AIWorker" import { CONTAINER_TIMEOUT } from "./constants" import { DokkuClient } from "./DokkuClient" import { FileManager } from "./FileManager" import { createFileRL, createFolderRL, deleteFileRL, renameFileRL, saveFileRL, } from "./ratelimit" import { SecureGitClient } from "./SecureGitClient" import { TerminalManager } from "./TerminalManager" import { TFile, TFolder } from "./types" import { LockManager } from "./utils" const lockManager = new LockManager() // Define a type for SocketHandler functions type SocketHandler> = (args: T) => any; // Extract port number from a string function extractPortNumber(inputString: string): number | null { const cleanedString = inputString.replace(/\x1B\[[0-9;]*m/g, "") const regex = /http:\/\/localhost:(\d+)/ const match = cleanedString.match(regex) return match ? parseInt(match[1]) : null } type ServerContext = { aiWorker: AIWorker; dokkuClient: DokkuClient | null; gitClient: SecureGitClient | null; socket: Socket; }; export class Sandbox { fileManager: FileManager | null; terminalManager: TerminalManager | null; container: E2BSandbox | null; dokkuClient: DokkuClient | null; gitClient: SecureGitClient | null; aiWorker: AIWorker; socket: Socket; sandboxId: string; userId: string; constructor(sandboxId: string, userId: string, { aiWorker, dokkuClient, gitClient, socket }: ServerContext) { this.fileManager = null; this.terminalManager = null; this.container = null; this.sandboxId = sandboxId; this.userId = userId; this.aiWorker = aiWorker; this.dokkuClient = dokkuClient; this.gitClient = gitClient; this.socket = socket; } async initializeContainer() { await lockManager.acquireLock(this.sandboxId, async () => { if (this.container && await this.container.isRunning()) { console.log(`Found existing container ${this.sandboxId}`) } else { console.log("Creating container", this.sandboxId) this.container = await E2BSandbox.create({ timeoutMs: CONTAINER_TIMEOUT, }) } }) if (!this.container) throw new Error("Failed to create container") if (!this.terminalManager) { this.terminalManager = new TerminalManager(this.container) console.log(`Terminal manager set up for ${this.sandboxId}`) } if (!this.fileManager) { this.fileManager = new FileManager( this.sandboxId, this.container, (files: (TFolder | TFile)[]) => { this.socket.emit("loaded", files) } ) this.fileManager.initialize() this.socket.emit("loaded", this.fileManager.files) } } async disconnect() { await this.terminalManager?.closeAllTerminals() await this.fileManager?.closeWatchers() } handlers() { // Handle heartbeat from a socket connection const handleHeartbeat: SocketHandler = (_: any) => { this.container?.setTimeout(CONTAINER_TIMEOUT) } // Handle getting a file const handleGetFile: SocketHandler = ({ fileId }: any) => { return this.fileManager?.getFile(fileId) } // Handle getting a folder const handleGetFolder: SocketHandler = ({ folderId }: any) => { return this.fileManager?.getFolder(folderId) } // Handle saving a file const handleSaveFile: SocketHandler = async ({ fileId, body }: any) => { await saveFileRL.consume(this.userId, 1); return this.fileManager?.saveFile(fileId, body) } // Handle moving a file const handleMoveFile: SocketHandler = ({ fileId, folderId }: any) => { return this.fileManager?.moveFile(fileId, folderId) } // Handle listing apps const handleListApps: SocketHandler = async (_: any) => { if (!this.dokkuClient) throw Error("Failed to retrieve apps list: No Dokku client") return { success: true, apps: await this.dokkuClient.listApps() } } // Handle deploying code const handleDeploy: SocketHandler = async (_: any) => { if (!this.gitClient) throw Error("No git client") if (!this.fileManager) throw Error("No file manager") await this.gitClient.pushFiles(this.fileManager?.fileData, this.sandboxId) return { success: true } } // Handle creating a file const handleCreateFile: SocketHandler = async ({ name }: any) => { await createFileRL.consume(this.userId, 1); return { "success": await this.fileManager?.createFile(name) } } // Handle creating a folder const handleCreateFolder: SocketHandler = async ({ name }: any) => { await createFolderRL.consume(this.userId, 1); return { "success": await this.fileManager?.createFolder(name) } } // Handle renaming a file const handleRenameFile: SocketHandler = async ({ fileId, newName }: any) => { await renameFileRL.consume(this.userId, 1) return this.fileManager?.renameFile(fileId, newName) } // Handle deleting a file const handleDeleteFile: SocketHandler = async ({ fileId }: any) => { await deleteFileRL.consume(this.userId, 1) return this.fileManager?.deleteFile(fileId) } // Handle deleting a folder const handleDeleteFolder: SocketHandler = ({ folderId }: any) => { return this.fileManager?.deleteFolder(folderId) } // Handle creating a terminal session const handleCreateTerminal: SocketHandler = async ({ id }: any) => { await lockManager.acquireLock(this.sandboxId, async () => { await this.terminalManager?.createTerminal(id, (responseString: string) => { this.socket.emit("terminalResponse", { id, data: responseString }) const port = extractPortNumber(responseString) if (port) { this.socket.emit( "previewURL", "https://" + this.container?.getHost(port) ) } }) }) } // Handle resizing a terminal const handleResizeTerminal: SocketHandler = ({ dimensions }: any) => { this.terminalManager?.resizeTerminal(dimensions) } // Handle sending data to a terminal const handleTerminalData: SocketHandler = ({ id, data }: any) => { return this.terminalManager?.sendTerminalData(id, data) } // Handle closing a terminal const handleCloseTerminal: SocketHandler = ({ id }: any) => { return this.terminalManager?.closeTerminal(id) } // Handle generating code const handleGenerateCode: SocketHandler = ({ fileName, code, line, instructions }: any) => { return this.aiWorker.generateCode(this.userId, fileName, code, line, instructions) } return { "heartbeat": handleHeartbeat, "getFile": handleGetFile, "getFolder": handleGetFolder, "saveFile": handleSaveFile, "moveFile": handleMoveFile, "list": handleListApps, "deploy": handleDeploy, "createFile": handleCreateFile, "createFolder": handleCreateFolder, "renameFile": handleRenameFile, "deleteFile": handleDeleteFile, "deleteFolder": handleDeleteFolder, "createTerminal": handleCreateTerminal, "resizeTerminal": handleResizeTerminal, "terminalData": handleTerminalData, "closeTerminal": handleCloseTerminal, "generateCode": handleGenerateCode, }; } }