"use client" import { SetStateAction, useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react" import * as monaco from "monaco-editor" import Editor, { BeforeMount, OnMount } from "@monaco-editor/react" import { toast } from "sonner" import { useClerk } from "@clerk/nextjs" import { AnimatePresence, motion } from "framer-motion" import * as Y from "yjs" import LiveblocksProvider from "@liveblocks/yjs" import { MonacoBinding } from "y-monaco" import { Awareness } from "y-protocols/awareness" import { TypedLiveblocksProvider, useRoom, useSelf } from "@/liveblocks.config" import { ResizableHandle, ResizablePanel, ResizablePanelGroup, } from "@/components/ui/resizable" import { FileJson, Loader2, Sparkles, TerminalSquare } from "lucide-react" import Tab from "../ui/tab" import Sidebar from "./sidebar" import GenerateInput from "./generate" import { Sandbox, User, TFile, TFolder, TTab } from "@/lib/types" import { addNew, processFileType, validateName, debounce } from "@/lib/utils" import { Cursors } from "./live/cursors" import { Terminal } from "@xterm/xterm" import DisableAccessModal from "./live/disableModal" import Loading from "./loading" import PreviewWindow from "./preview" import Terminals from "./terminals" import { ImperativePanelHandle } from "react-resizable-panels" import { PreviewProvider, usePreview } from "@/context/PreviewContext" import { useSocket } from "@/context/SocketContext" import { Button } from "../ui/button" import React from "react" export default function CodeEditor({ userData, sandboxData, }: { userData: User sandboxData: Sandbox }) { //SocketContext functions and effects const { socket, setUserAndSandboxId } = useSocket() useEffect(() => { // Ensure userData.id and sandboxData.id are available before attempting to connect if (userData.id && sandboxData.id) { // Check if the socket is not initialized or not connected if (!socket || (socket && !socket.connected)) { // Initialize socket connection setUserAndSandboxId(userData.id, sandboxData.id) } } }, [socket, userData.id, sandboxData.id, setUserAndSandboxId]) // This heartbeat is critical to preventing the E2B sandbox from timing out useEffect(() => { // 10000 ms = 10 seconds const interval = setInterval(() => socket?.emit("heartbeat"), 10000); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, [socket]); //Preview Button state const [isPreviewCollapsed, setIsPreviewCollapsed] = useState(true) const [disableAccess, setDisableAccess] = useState({ isDisabled: false, message: "", }) // File state const [files, setFiles] = useState<(TFolder | TFile)[]>([]) const [tabs, setTabs] = useState([]) const [activeFileId, setActiveFileId] = useState("") const [activeFileContent, setActiveFileContent] = useState("") const [deletingFolderId, setDeletingFolderId] = useState("") // Editor state const [editorLanguage, setEditorLanguage] = useState("plaintext") const [cursorLine, setCursorLine] = useState(0) const [editorRef, setEditorRef] = useState() // AI Copilot state const [generate, setGenerate] = useState<{ show: boolean id: string line: number widget: monaco.editor.IContentWidget | undefined pref: monaco.editor.ContentWidgetPositionPreference[] width: number }>({ show: false, line: 0, id: "", widget: undefined, pref: [], width: 0 }) const [decorations, setDecorations] = useState<{ options: monaco.editor.IModelDeltaDecoration[] instance: monaco.editor.IEditorDecorationsCollection | undefined }>({ options: [], instance: undefined }) const [isSelected, setIsSelected] = useState(false) const [showSuggestion, setShowSuggestion] = useState(false) // Terminal state const [terminals, setTerminals] = useState< { id: string terminal: Terminal | null }[] >([]) // Preview state const [previewURL, setPreviewURL] = useState("") const loadPreviewURL = (url: string) => { // This will cause a reload if previewURL changed. setPreviewURL(url) // If the URL didn't change, still reload the preview. previewWindowRef.current?.refreshIframe() } const isOwner = sandboxData.userId === userData.id const clerk = useClerk() // Liveblocks hooks const room = useRoom() const [provider, setProvider] = useState() const userInfo = useSelf((me) => me.info) // Liveblocks providers map to prevent reinitializing providers type ProviderData = { provider: LiveblocksProvider yDoc: Y.Doc yText: Y.Text binding?: MonacoBinding onSync: (isSynced: boolean) => void } const providersMap = useRef(new Map()) // Refs for libraries / features const editorContainerRef = useRef(null) const monacoRef = useRef(null) const generateRef = useRef(null) const suggestionRef = useRef(null) const generateWidgetRef = useRef(null) const previewPanelRef = useRef(null) const editorPanelRef = useRef(null) const previewWindowRef = useRef<{ refreshIframe: () => void }>(null) const debouncedSetIsSelected = useRef( debounce((value: boolean) => { setIsSelected(value) }, 800) // ).current // Pre-mount editor keybindings const handleEditorWillMount: BeforeMount = (monaco) => { monaco.editor.addKeybindingRules([ { keybinding: monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.KeyG, command: "null", }, ]) } // Post-mount editor keybindings and actions const handleEditorMount: OnMount = (editor, monaco) => { setEditorRef(editor) monacoRef.current = monaco editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition((e) => { setIsSelected(false) const selection = editor.getSelection() if (selection !== null) { const hasSelection = !selection.isEmpty() debouncedSetIsSelected(hasSelection) setShowSuggestion(hasSelection) } const { column, lineNumber } = e.position if (lineNumber === cursorLine) return setCursorLine(lineNumber) const model = editor.getModel() const endColumn = model?.getLineContent(lineNumber).length || 0 setDecorations((prev) => { return { ...prev, options: [ { range: new monaco.Range( lineNumber, column, lineNumber, endColumn ), options: { afterContentClassName: "inline-decoration", }, }, ], } }) }) editor.onDidBlurEditorText((e) => { setDecorations((prev) => { return { ...prev, options: [], } }) }) editor.addAction({ id: "generate", label: "Generate", keybindings: [monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.KeyG], precondition: "editorTextFocus && !suggestWidgetVisible && !renameInputVisible && !inSnippetMode && !quickFixWidgetVisible", run: () => { setGenerate((prev) => { return { ...prev, show: !prev.show, pref: [monaco.editor.ContentWidgetPositionPreference.BELOW], } }) }, }) } const handleAiEdit = React.useCallback(() => { if (!editorRef) return const selection = editorRef.getSelection() if (!selection) return const pos = selection.getPosition() const start = selection.getStartPosition() const end = selection.getEndPosition() let pref: monaco.editor.ContentWidgetPositionPreference let id = "" const isMultiline = start.lineNumber !== end.lineNumber if (isMultiline) { if (pos.lineNumber <= start.lineNumber) { pref = monaco.editor.ContentWidgetPositionPreference.ABOVE } else { pref = monaco.editor.ContentWidgetPositionPreference.BELOW } } else { pref = monaco.editor.ContentWidgetPositionPreference.ABOVE } editorRef.changeViewZones(function (changeAccessor) { if (!generateRef.current) return if (pref === monaco.editor.ContentWidgetPositionPreference.ABOVE) { id = changeAccessor.addZone({ afterLineNumber: start.lineNumber - 1, heightInLines: 2, domNode: generateRef.current, }) } }) setGenerate((prev) => { return { ...prev, show: true, pref: [pref], id, } }) }, [editorRef]) // Generate widget effect useEffect(() => { if (generate.show) { setShowSuggestion(false) editorRef?.changeViewZones(function (changeAccessor) { if (!generateRef.current) return if (!generate.id) { const id = changeAccessor.addZone({ afterLineNumber: cursorLine, heightInLines: 3, domNode: generateRef.current, }) setGenerate((prev) => { return { ...prev, id, line: cursorLine } }) } setGenerate((prev) => { return { ...prev, line: cursorLine } }) }) if (!generateWidgetRef.current) return const widgetElement = generateWidgetRef.current const contentWidget = { getDomNode: () => { return widgetElement }, getId: () => { return "generate.widget" }, getPosition: () => { return { position: { lineNumber: cursorLine, column: 1, }, preference: generate.pref, } }, } // window width - sidebar width, times the percentage of the editor panel const width = editorPanelRef.current ? (editorPanelRef.current.getSize() / 100) * (window.innerWidth - 224) : 400 //fallback setGenerate((prev) => { return { ...prev, widget: contentWidget, width, } }) editorRef?.addContentWidget(contentWidget) if (generateRef.current && generateWidgetRef.current) { editorRef?.applyFontInfo(generateRef.current) editorRef?.applyFontInfo(generateWidgetRef.current) } } else { editorRef?.changeViewZones(function (changeAccessor) { changeAccessor.removeZone(generate.id) setGenerate((prev) => { return { ...prev, id: "" } }) }) if (!generate.widget) return editorRef?.removeContentWidget(generate.widget) setGenerate((prev) => { return { ...prev, widget: undefined, } }) } }, [generate.show]) // Suggestion widget effect useEffect(() => { if (!suggestionRef.current || !editorRef) return const widgetElement = suggestionRef.current const suggestionWidget: monaco.editor.IContentWidget = { getDomNode: () => { return widgetElement }, getId: () => { return "suggestion.widget" }, getPosition: () => { const selection = editorRef?.getSelection() const column = Math.max(3, selection?.positionColumn ?? 1) let lineNumber = selection?.positionLineNumber ?? 1 let pref = monaco.editor.ContentWidgetPositionPreference.ABOVE if (lineNumber <= 3) { pref = monaco.editor.ContentWidgetPositionPreference.BELOW } return { preference: [pref], position: { lineNumber, column, }, } }, } if (isSelected) { editorRef?.addContentWidget(suggestionWidget) editorRef?.applyFontInfo(suggestionRef.current) } else { editorRef?.removeContentWidget(suggestionWidget) } }, [isSelected]) // Decorations effect for generate widget tips useEffect(() => { if (decorations.options.length === 0) { decorations.instance?.clear() } const model = editorRef?.getModel() const line = model?.getLineContent(cursorLine) if (line === undefined || line.trim() !== "") { decorations.instance?.clear() return } if (decorations.instance) { decorations.instance.set(decorations.options) } else { const instance = editorRef?.createDecorationsCollection() instance?.set(decorations.options) setDecorations((prev) => { return { ...prev, instance, } }) } }, [decorations.options]) // Save file keybinding logic effect const debouncedSaveData = useCallback( debounce((value: string | undefined, activeFileId: string | undefined) => { setTabs((prev) => prev.map((tab) => tab.id === activeFileId ? { ...tab, saved: true } : tab ) ) console.log(`Saving file...${activeFileId}`) console.log(`Saving file...${value}`) socket?.emit("saveFile", activeFileId, value) }, Number(process.env.FILE_SAVE_DEBOUNCE_DELAY) || 1000), [socket] ) useEffect(() => { const down = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (e.key === "s" && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey)) { e.preventDefault() debouncedSaveData(editorRef?.getValue(), activeFileId) } } document.addEventListener("keydown", down) return () => { document.removeEventListener("keydown", down) } }, [activeFileId, tabs, debouncedSaveData]) // Liveblocks live collaboration setup effect useEffect(() => { const tab = tabs.find((t) => t.id === activeFileId) const model = editorRef?.getModel() if (!editorRef || !tab || !model) return let providerData: ProviderData // When a file is opened for the first time, create a new provider and store in providersMap. if (!providersMap.current.has(tab.id)) { const yDoc = new Y.Doc() const yText = yDoc.getText(tab.id) const yProvider = new LiveblocksProvider(room, yDoc) // Inserts the file content into the editor once when the tab is changed. const onSync = (isSynced: boolean) => { if (isSynced) { const text = yText.toString() if (text === "") { if (activeFileContent) { yText.insert(0, activeFileContent) } else { setTimeout(() => { yText.insert(0, editorRef.getValue()) }, 0) } } } } yProvider.on("sync", onSync) // Save the provider to the map. providerData = { provider: yProvider, yDoc, yText, onSync } providersMap.current.set(tab.id, providerData) } else { // When a tab is opened that has been open before, reuse the existing provider. providerData = providersMap.current.get(tab.id)! } const binding = new MonacoBinding( providerData.yText, model, new Set([editorRef]), providerData.provider.awareness as unknown as Awareness ) providerData.binding = binding setProvider(providerData.provider) return () => { // Cleanup logic if (binding) { binding.destroy() } if (providerData.binding) { providerData.binding = undefined } } }, [room, activeFileContent]) // Added this effect to clean up when the component unmounts useEffect(() => { return () => { // Clean up all providers when the component unmounts providersMap.current.forEach((data) => { if (data.binding) { data.binding.destroy() } data.provider.disconnect() data.yDoc.destroy() }) providersMap.current.clear() } }, []) // Connection/disconnection effect useEffect(() => { socket?.connect() return () => { socket?.disconnect() } }, [socket]) // Socket event listener effect useEffect(() => { const onConnect = () => {} const onDisconnect = () => { setTerminals([]) } const onLoadedEvent = (files: (TFolder | TFile)[]) => { setFiles(files) } const onError = (message: string) => { toast.error(message) } const onTerminalResponse = (response: { id: string; data: string }) => { const term = terminals.find((t) => t.id === response.id) if (term && term.terminal) { term.terminal.write(response.data) } } const onDisableAccess = (message: string) => { if (!isOwner) setDisableAccess({ isDisabled: true, message, }) } socket?.on("connect", onConnect) socket?.on("disconnect", onDisconnect) socket?.on("loaded", onLoadedEvent) socket?.on("error", onError) socket?.on("terminalResponse", onTerminalResponse) socket?.on("disableAccess", onDisableAccess) socket?.on("previewURL", loadPreviewURL) return () => { socket?.off("connect", onConnect) socket?.off("disconnect", onDisconnect) socket?.off("loaded", onLoadedEvent) socket?.off("error", onError) socket?.off("terminalResponse", onTerminalResponse) socket?.off("disableAccess", onDisableAccess) socket?.off("previewURL", loadPreviewURL) } }, [ socket, terminals, setTerminals, setFiles, toast, setDisableAccess, isOwner, loadPreviewURL, ]) // Helper functions for tabs: // Select file and load content // Initialize debounced function once const fileCache = useRef(new Map()) // Debounced function to get file content const debouncedGetFile = (tabId: any, callback: any) => { socket?.emit("getFile", tabId, callback) } // 300ms debounce delay, adjust as needed const selectFile = (tab: TTab) => { if (tab.id === activeFileId) return setGenerate((prev) => ({ ...prev, show: false })) const exists = tabs.find((t) => t.id === tab.id) setTabs((prev) => { if (exists) { setActiveFileId(exists.id) return prev } return [...prev, tab] }) if (fileCache.current.has(tab.id)) { setActiveFileContent(fileCache.current.get(tab.id)) } else { debouncedGetFile(tab.id, (response: SetStateAction) => { fileCache.current.set(tab.id, response) setActiveFileContent(response) }) } setEditorLanguage(processFileType(tab.name)) setActiveFileId(tab.id) } // Close tab and remove from tabs const closeTab = (id: string) => { const numTabs = tabs.length const index = tabs.findIndex((t) => t.id === id) console.log("closing tab", id, index) if (index === -1) return const nextId = activeFileId === id ? numTabs === 1 ? null : index < numTabs - 1 ? tabs[index + 1].id : tabs[index - 1].id : activeFileId setTabs((prev) => prev.filter((t) => t.id !== id)) if (!nextId) { setActiveFileId("") } else { const nextTab = tabs.find((t) => t.id === nextId) if (nextTab) { selectFile(nextTab) } } } const closeTabs = (ids: string[]) => { const numTabs = tabs.length if (numTabs === 0) return const allIndexes = ids.map((id) => tabs.findIndex((t) => t.id === id)) const indexes = allIndexes.filter((index) => index !== -1) if (indexes.length === 0) return console.log("closing tabs", ids, indexes) const activeIndex = tabs.findIndex((t) => t.id === activeFileId) const newTabs = tabs.filter((t) => !ids.includes(t.id)) setTabs(newTabs) if (indexes.length === numTabs) { setActiveFileId("") } else { const nextTab = newTabs.length > activeIndex ? newTabs[activeIndex] : newTabs[newTabs.length - 1] if (nextTab) { selectFile(nextTab) } } } const handleRename = ( id: string, newName: string, oldName: string, type: "file" | "folder" ) => { const valid = validateName(newName, oldName, type) if (!valid.status) { if (valid.message) toast.error("Invalid file name.") return false } socket?.emit("renameFile", id, newName) setTabs((prev) => prev.map((tab) => (tab.id === id ? { ...tab, name: newName } : tab)) ) return true } const handleDeleteFile = (file: TFile) => { socket?.emit("deleteFile", file.id, (response: (TFolder | TFile)[]) => { setFiles(response) }) closeTab(file.id) } const handleDeleteFolder = (folder: TFolder) => { setDeletingFolderId(folder.id) console.log("deleting folder", folder.id) socket?.emit("getFolder", folder.id, (response: string[]) => closeTabs(response) ) socket?.emit("deleteFolder", folder.id, (response: (TFolder | TFile)[]) => { setFiles(response) setDeletingFolderId("") }) } // On disabled access for shared users, show un-interactable loading placeholder + info modal if (disableAccess.isDisabled) return ( <> {}} /> ) return ( <> {/* Copilot DOM elements */}
{isSelected && showSuggestion && ( )}
{generate.show ? ( t.id === activeFileId)?.name ?? "", code: (isSelected && editorRef?.getSelection() ? editorRef ?.getModel() ?.getValueInRange(editorRef?.getSelection()!) : editorRef?.getValue()) ?? "", line: generate.line, }} editor={{ language: editorLanguage, }} onExpand={() => { const line = generate.line editorRef?.changeViewZones(function (changeAccessor) { changeAccessor.removeZone(generate.id) if (!generateRef.current) return let id = "" if (isSelected) { const selection = editorRef?.getSelection() if (!selection) return const isAbove = generate.pref?.[0] === monaco.editor.ContentWidgetPositionPreference.ABOVE const afterLineNumber = isAbove ? line - 1 : line id = changeAccessor.addZone({ afterLineNumber, heightInLines: isAbove?11: 12, domNode: generateRef.current, }) const contentWidget= generate.widget if (contentWidget){ editorRef?.layoutContentWidget(contentWidget) } } else { id = changeAccessor.addZone({ afterLineNumber: cursorLine, heightInLines: 12, domNode: generateRef.current, }) } setGenerate((prev) => { return { ...prev, id } }) }) }} onAccept={(code: string) => { const line = generate.line setGenerate((prev) => { return { ...prev, show: !prev.show, } }) const selection = editorRef?.getSelection() const range = isSelected && selection ? selection : new monaco.Range(line, 1, line, 1) editorRef?.executeEdits("ai-generation", [ { range, text: code, forceMoveMarkers: true }, ]) }} onClose={() => { setGenerate((prev) => { return { ...prev, show: !prev.show, } }) }} /> ) : null}
{/* Main editor components */} addNew(name, type, setFiles, sandboxData)} deletingFolderId={deletingFolderId} /> {/* Shadcn resizeable panels: https://ui.shadcn.com/docs/components/resizable */}
{/* File tabs */} {tabs.map((tab) => ( { selectFile(tab) }} onClose={() => closeTab(tab.id)} > {tab.name} ))}
{/* Monaco editor */}
{!activeFileId ? ( <>
No file selected.
) : // Note clerk.loaded is required here due to a bug: https://github.com/clerk/javascript/issues/1643 clerk.loaded ? ( <> {provider && userInfo ? ( ) : null} { if (value === activeFileContent) { setTabs((prev) => prev.map((tab) => tab.id === activeFileId ? { ...tab, saved: true } : tab ) ) } else { setTabs((prev) => prev.map((tab) => tab.id === activeFileId ? { ...tab, saved: false } : tab ) ) } }} options={{ tabSize: 2, minimap: { enabled: false, }, padding: { bottom: 4, top: 4, }, scrollBeyondLastLine: false, fixedOverflowWidgets: true, fontFamily: "var(--font-geist-mono)", }} theme="vs-dark" value={activeFileContent} /> ) : (
Waiting for Clerk to load...
setIsPreviewCollapsed(true)} onExpand={() => setIsPreviewCollapsed(false)} > { usePreview().previewPanelRef.current?.expand() setIsPreviewCollapsed(false) }} collapsed={isPreviewCollapsed} src={previewURL} ref={previewWindowRef} /> {isOwner ? ( ) : (
No terminal access.
) }