"use client" import { Terminal } from "@xterm/xterm" import { FitAddon } from "@xterm/addon-fit" import "./xterm.css" import { ElementRef, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react" import { Socket } from "socket.io-client" import { Loader2 } from "lucide-react" import { debounce } from "@/lib/utils" export default function EditorTerminal({ socket, id, term, setTerm, visible, }: { socket: Socket id: string term: Terminal | null setTerm: (term: Terminal) => void visible: boolean }) { const terminalRef = useRef>(null) const fitAddonRef = useRef(null) useEffect(() => { if (!terminalRef.current) return // console.log("new terminal", id, term ? "reusing" : "creating"); const terminal = new Terminal({ cursorBlink: true, theme: { foreground: "#2e3436", background: "#ffffff", black: "#2e3436", brightBlack: "#555753", red: "#cc0000", brightRed: "#ef2929", green: "#4e9a06", brightGreen: "#8ae234", yellow: "#c4a000", brightYellow: "#fce94f", blue: "#3465a4", brightBlue: "#729fcf", magenta: "#75507b", brightMagenta: "#ad7fa8", cyan: "#06989a", brightCyan: "#34e2e2", white: "#d3d7cf", brightWhite: "#eeeeec", cursor: "#2e3436", cursorAccent: "#ffffff", selection: "rgba(52, 101, 164, 0.3)", }, fontFamily: "var(--font-geist-mono)", fontSize: 14, lineHeight: 1.5, letterSpacing: 0, }) setTerm(terminal) const dispose = () => { terminal.dispose() } return dispose }, []) useEffect(() => { if (!term) return if (!terminalRef.current) return if (!fitAddonRef.current) { const fitAddon = new FitAddon() term.loadAddon(fitAddon) term.open(terminalRef.current) fitAddon.fit() fitAddonRef.current = fitAddon } const disposableOnData = term.onData((data) => { socket.emit("terminalData", id, data) }) const disposableOnResize = term.onResize((dimensions) => { fitAddonRef.current?.fit() socket.emit("terminalResize", dimensions) }) const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver( debounce((entries) => { if (!fitAddonRef.current || !terminalRef.current) return const entry = entries[0] if (!entry) return const { width, height } = entry.contentRect // Only call fit if the size has actually changed if ( width !== terminalRef.current.offsetWidth || height !== terminalRef.current.offsetHeight ) { try { fitAddonRef.current.fit() } catch (err) { console.error("Error during fit:", err) } } }, 50) // Debounce for 50ms ) // start observing for resize resizeObserver.observe(terminalRef.current) return () => { disposableOnData.dispose() disposableOnResize.dispose() resizeObserver.disconnect() } }, [term, terminalRef.current]) useEffect(() => { if (!term) return const handleTerminalResponse = (response: { id: string; data: string }) => { if (response.id === id) { term.write(response.data) } } socket.on("terminalResponse", handleTerminalResponse) return () => { socket.off("terminalResponse", handleTerminalResponse) } }, [term, id, socket]) return ( <>
{term === null ? (
Connecting to terminal...
) : null}
) }