import type { DrizzleD1Database } from "drizzle-orm/d1"; import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/d1"; import { json } from "itty-router-extras"; import { ZodError, z } from "zod"; import { user, sandbox, usersToSandboxes } from "./schema"; import * as schema from "./schema"; import { and, eq, sql } from "drizzle-orm"; export interface Env { DB: D1Database; STORAGE: any; } // // npm run generate // npx wrangler d1 execute d1-sandbox --local --file=./drizzle/ export default { async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise { const success = new Response("Success", { status: 200 }); const invalidRequest = new Response("Invalid Request", { status: 400 }); const notFound = new Response("Not Found", { status: 404 }); const methodNotAllowed = new Response("Method Not Allowed", { status: 405 }); const url = new URL(request.url); const path = url.pathname; const method = request.method; const db = drizzle(env.DB, { schema }); if (path === "/api/sandbox") { if (method === "GET") { const params = url.searchParams; if (params.has("id")) { const id = params.get("id") as string; const res = await db.query.sandbox.findFirst({ where: (sandbox, { eq }) => eq(, id), with: { usersToSandboxes: true, }, }); return json(res ?? {}); } else { const res = await; return json(res ?? {}); } } else if (method === "DELETE") { const params = url.searchParams; if (params.has("id")) { const id = params.get("id") as string; await db.delete(usersToSandboxes).where(eq(usersToSandboxes.sandboxId, id)); await db.delete(sandbox).where(eq(, id)); return success; } else { return invalidRequest; } } else if (method === "POST") { const initSchema = z.object({ id: z.string(), name: z.string().optional(), visibility: z.enum(["public", "private"]).optional(), }); const body = await request.json(); const { id, name, visibility } = initSchema.parse(body); const sb = await db.update(sandbox).set({ name, visibility }).where(eq(, id)).returning().get(); return success; } else if (method === "PUT") { const initSchema = z.object({ type: z.enum(["react", "node"]), name: z.string(), userId: z.string(), visibility: z.enum(["public", "private"]), }); const body = await request.json(); const { type, name, userId, visibility } = initSchema.parse(body); const allSandboxes = await; if (allSandboxes.length >= 8) { return new Response("You reached the maximum # of sandboxes.", { status: 400 }); } const sb = await db.insert(sandbox).values({ type, name, userId, visibility }).returning().get(); const initStorageRequest = new Request("", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ sandboxId:, type }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, }); const initStorageRes = await env.STORAGE.fetch(initStorageRequest); const initStorage = await initStorageRes.text(); return new Response(, { status: 200 }); } else { return methodNotAllowed; } } else if (path === "/api/sandbox/share") { if (method === "GET") { const params = url.searchParams; if (params.has("id")) { const id = params.get("id") as string; const res = await db.query.usersToSandboxes.findMany({ where: (uts, { eq }) => eq(uts.userId, id), }); const owners = await Promise.all( (r) => { const sb = await db.query.sandbox.findFirst({ where: (sandbox, { eq }) => eq(, r.sandboxId), with: { author: true, }, }); if (!sb) return; return { id:, name:, type: sb.type, author:, sharedOn: r.sharedOn }; }) ); return json(owners ?? {}); } else return invalidRequest; } else if (method === "POST") { const shareSchema = z.object({ sandboxId: z.string(), email: z.string(), }); const body = await request.json(); const { sandboxId, email } = shareSchema.parse(body); const user = await db.query.user.findFirst({ where: (user, { eq }) => eq(, email), with: { sandbox: true, usersToSandboxes: true, }, }); if (!user) { return new Response("No user associated with email.", { status: 400 }); } if (user.sandbox.find((sb) => === sandboxId)) { return new Response("Cannot share with yourself!", { status: 400 }); } if (user.usersToSandboxes.find((uts) => uts.sandboxId === sandboxId)) { return new Response("User already has access.", { status: 400 }); } await db.insert(usersToSandboxes).values({ userId:, sandboxId, sharedOn: new Date() }).get(); return success; } else if (method === "DELETE") { const deleteShareSchema = z.object({ sandboxId: z.string(), userId: z.string(), }); const body = await request.json(); const { sandboxId, userId } = deleteShareSchema.parse(body); await db.delete(usersToSandboxes).where(and(eq(usersToSandboxes.userId, userId), eq(usersToSandboxes.sandboxId, sandboxId))); return success; } else return methodNotAllowed; } else if (path === "/api/sandbox/generate" && method === "POST") { const generateSchema = z.object({ userId: z.string(), }); const body = await request.json(); const { userId } = generateSchema.parse(body); const dbUser = await db.query.user.findFirst({ where: (user, { eq }) => eq(, userId), }); if (!dbUser) { return new Response("User not found.", { status: 400 }); } if (dbUser.generations !== null && dbUser.generations >= 10) { return new Response("You reached the maximum # of generations.", { status: 400 }); } await db .update(user) .set({ generations: sql`${user.generations} + 1` }) .where(eq(, userId)) .get(); return success; } else if (path === "/api/user") { if (method === "GET") { const params = url.searchParams; if (params.has("id")) { const id = params.get("id") as string; const res = await db.query.user.findFirst({ where: (user, { eq }) => eq(, id), with: { sandbox: true, usersToSandboxes: true, }, }); return json(res ?? {}); } else { const res = await; return json(res ?? {}); } } else if (method === "POST") { const userSchema = z.object({ id: z.string(), name: z.string(), email: z.string().email(), }); const body = await request.json(); const { id, name, email } = userSchema.parse(body); const res = await db.insert(user).values({ id, name, email }).returning().get(); return json({ res }); } else { return methodNotAllowed; } } else return notFound; }, };