Akhileshrangani4 dd59608d73 feature: add AI chat

1. Real-time message display
2. User input handling
3. AI response generation
4. Markdown rendering for AI responses
5. Syntax highlighting for code blocks
6. Copy to clipboard functionality for messages and code blocks
7. Context handling (setting, displaying, and removing context)
8. Expandable/collapsible context display
9. Ability to ask about specific code snippets
10. Auto-scrolling to the latest message
11. Loading indicator during AI response generation
12. Stop generation functionality
13. Error handling for failed API requests
14. Responsive design (flex layout)
15. Custom styling for user and AI messages
16. Support for various Markdown elements (paragraphs, lists, code blocks)
17. Language detection and display for code blocks
18. Animated text generation effect for AI responses
19. Input field placeholder changes based on context presence
20. Disable input during message generation
21. Send message on Enter key press
22. Expandable/collapsible message context for each message
23. Editable context in expanded view
24. Icons for various actions (send, stop, copy, expand/collapse)
25. Visual feedback for copied text (checkmark icon)
26. Abortable fetch requests for AI responses
27. Custom button components
28. Custom loading dots component
29. Truncated display of long messages with expand/collapse functionality
2024-10-13 22:47:47 -04:00

28 lines
597 B

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