# Configuration file for MegaLinter # See all available variables at https://megalinter.io/configuration/ and in linters documentation APPLY_FIXES: all # all, none, or list of linter keys # ENABLE: # If you use ENABLE variable, all other languages/formats/tooling-formats will be disabled by default ENABLE_LINTERS: # If you use ENABLE_LINTERS variable, all other linters will be disabled by default - LUA_LUACHECK - RUST_CLIPPY - JAVASCRIPT_ES - CSS_STYLELINT - MARKDOWN_MARKDOWNLINT - YAML_YAMLLINT - HTML_DJLINT - ACTION_ACTIONLINT - DOCKERFILE_HADOLINT - SPELL_CSPELL # DISABLE: # - COPYPASTE # Uncomment to disable checks of excessive copy-pastes # - SPELL # Uncomment to disable checks of spelling mistakes SHOW_ELAPSED_TIME: true FILEIO_REPORTER: true # DISABLE_ERRORS: true # Uncomment if you want MegaLinter to detect errors but not block CI to pass