//! use maud::{html, Markup, PreEscaped}; use crate::{ models::aggregation_models::SearchResults, templates::partials::{footer::footer, header::header, search_bar::search_bar}, }; /// pub fn search( colorscheme: &str, theme: &str, query: &str, search_results: &SearchResults, ) -> Markup { html!( (header(colorscheme, theme)) main class="results"{ (search_bar(&search_results.engine_errors_info, search_results.safe_search_level, query)) .results_aggregated{ @if !search_results.results.is_empty() { @for result in search_results.results.iter(){ .result { h1{a href=(result.url){(PreEscaped(&result.title))}} small{(result.url)} p{(PreEscaped(&result.description))} .upstream_engines{ @for name in result.clone().engine{ span{(name)} } } } } } @else if search_results.disallowed{ .result_disallowed{ .description{ p{ "Your search - "{span class="user_query"{(query)}}" - has been disallowed." } p class="description_paragraph"{"Dear user,"} p class="description_paragraph"{ "The query - "{span class="user_query"{(query)}}" - has been blacklisted via server configuration and hence disallowed by the server. Henceforth no results could be displayed for your query." } } img src="./images/barricade.png" alt="Image of a Barricade"; } } @else if search_results.filtered { .result_filtered{ .description{ p{ "Your search - "{span class="user_query"{(query)}}" - has been filtered." } p class="description_paragraph"{"Dear user,"} p class="description_paragraph"{ "All the search results contain results that has been configured to be filtered out via server configuration and henceforth has been completely filtered out." } } img src="./images/filter.png" alt="Image of a paper inside a funnel"; } } @else if search_results.no_engines_selected { .result_engine_not_selected{ .description{ p{ "No results could be fetched for your search '{span class="user_query"{(query)}}'." } p class="description_paragraph"{"Dear user,"} p class="description_paragraph"{ "No results could be retrieved from the upstream search engines as no upstream search engines were selected from the settings page." } } img src="./images/no_selection.png" alt="Image of a white cross inside a red circle"; } } @else{ .result_not_found { p{"Your search - "{(query)}" - did not match any documents."} p class="suggestions"{"Suggestions:"} ul{ li{"Make sure that all words are spelled correctly."} li{"Try different keywords."} li{"Try more general keywords."} } img src="./images/no_results.gif" alt="Man fishing gif"; } } } .page_navigation { button type="button" onclick="navigate_backward()"{ (PreEscaped("←")) "previous" } button type="button" onclick="navigate_forward()"{"next" (PreEscaped("→"))} } } script src="static/index.js"{} script src="static/search_area_options.js"{} script src="static/pagination.js"{} script src="static/error_box.js"{} (footer()) ) }