import platform import os import platform import sys import psutil import math import copy import random from random import randint import datetime import time from time import time from datetime import datetime from datetime import datetime as dt #from discord.utils import get from discord.utils import * import aiohttp import discord from discord import app_commands from discord import Embed, Color from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Context from http.client import responses from paginator import Paginator from typing import Optional from constants import ( LANGUAGES, NEWLINES_LIMIT, CHARACTERS_LIMIT, Emoji, JUDGE0_ICON, START_TIME, PREFIX, ) from helpers import checks class General(commands.Cog, name="general"): def __init__(self, bot): = bot #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @commands.hybrid_command( name="help", description="List all commands the bot has loaded." ) @checks.not_blacklisted() async def help(self, context: Context) -> None: prefix =["prefix"] embed = discord.Embed( title="Help", description="List of available commands:", color=0x9C84EF) for i in cog = commands = cog.get_commands() data = [] for command in commands: description = command.description.partition('\n')[0] data.append(f"{prefix}{} - {description}") help_text = "\n".join(data) embed.add_field(name=i.capitalize(), value=f'```{help_text}```', inline=False) await context.send(embed=embed) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @commands.hybrid_command( name="sinfo", description="List bot server status info." ) @checks.not_blacklisted() async def sinfo(self, ctx): #Sends useful information about the bot and links. uptime = int((dt.utcnow() - START_TIME).total_seconds()) d, h = divmod(uptime, 86400) h, m = divmod(h, 3600) m, s = divmod(m, 60) mem = psutil.virtual_memory() pid = os.getpid() memory_use = psutil.Process(pid).memory_info()[0] data = [ ("Process memory", f"{memory_use / math.pow(1024, 2):.2f}MB"), ("CPU Usage", f"{psutil.cpu_percent()}%"), ("RAM Usage", f"{mem.percent}%"), ] embed = Embed( title="BOT System", url="", timestamp=dt.utcnow(), description="Discord bot for single custom servers", ) embed.set_author(name=f"{} request", embed.add_field( name=f"YADMB#9063 - {['application_id']}", value=( f"Uptime: {d}d {h}h {m}m {s}s\n" f"Servers connected: {len(}\n" f"Unique users: {len(}" f"Running on: {platform.system()} {platform.release()} ({})" ), inline=False ) embed.add_field( name=":computer: System status:", value="\n".join(f"**{x[0]}** {x[1]}" for x in data), inline=False ) embed.add_field( name="Links", value=( f":link: Invite me by clicking [here]({['application_id']}&scope=bot+applications.commands&permissions={['permissions']}).\n" f":mortar_board: [GitHub](\n" f":information_source: [Support server](\n" #f"<:paypal:707665144276320277> [Donation on PayPal](\n" #f"<:patreon:707663083866161232> [Support me on Patreon](" ), inline=False ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=JUDGE0_ICON) await ctx.send(embed=embed) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @commands.hybrid_command( name="botinfo", description="Get some useful (or not) information about the bot.", ) @checks.not_blacklisted() async def botinfo(self, context: Context) -> None: mem = psutil.virtual_memory() pid = os.getpid() memory_use = psutil.Process(pid).memory_info()[0] data = [ ("Process memory", f"{memory_use / math.pow(1024, 2):.2f}MB"), ("CPU Usage", f"{psutil.cpu_percent()}%"), ("RAM Usage", f"{mem.percent}%"), ] embed = discord.Embed( description=":id: GitHUB\n[Die-Antwoord]( ", color=0x9C84EF ) embed.set_author( name="Bot Information" ) embed.add_field( name=":mortar_board: Bot Owner:", value="Die Antwoord#1337", inline=False ) embed.add_field( name=":keyboard: Python Version:", value=f"Python {platform.python_version()}", inline=True ) embed.add_field( name=":pager: OS Version:", value=(f"Running on: {platform.system()} {platform.release()} ({})"), inline=True ) embed.add_field( name=":computer: System status:", value="\n".join(f"**{x[0]}** {x[1]}" for x in data), inline=False ) embed.add_field( name=":information_source: Prefix:", value=f"`/` (Slash Commands)\nor\n`{['prefix']}` for normal commands", inline=False ) embed.set_footer( text=f"Requested by {}\nRequested at {context.guild.created_at}" ) await context.send(embed=embed) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @commands.hybrid_command( # name="system", # description="Get some useful (or not) information about the system.", # ) # #@commands.command(aliases=["status"]) # async def system(self, ctx: commands.Context): # """Get status of the host system""" # process_uptime = time.time() - # system_uptime = time.time() - psutil.boot_time() # mem = psutil.virtual_memory() # pid = os.getpid() # memory_use = psutil.Process(pid).memory_info()[0] # data = [ # ("Bot booted up in", util.stringfromtime(, # ("Process uptime", util.stringfromtime(process_uptime, 2)), # ("Process memory", f"{memory_use / math.pow(1024, 2):.2f}MB"), # ("System uptime", util.stringfromtime(system_uptime, 2)), # ("CPU Usage", f"{psutil.cpu_percent()}%"), # ("RAM Usage", f"{mem.percent}%"), # ] # content = discord.Embed( # title=":computer: System status", # colour=int("5dadec", 16), # description="\n".join(f"**{x[0]}** {x[1]}" for x in data), # ) # await ctx.send(embed=content) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @commands.hybrid_command( name="serverinfo", description="Get some useful (or not) information about the server.", ) @checks.not_blacklisted() async def serverinfo(self, context: Context) -> None: roles = [role.mention for role in context.guild.roles] if len(roles) > 30: roles = roles[:30] roles.append (f"Displaying[30/{len(roles)} Roles") roles = ", ".join(roles) embed = discord.Embed( title="**Server Name:**", description=f"{context.guild}", color=0x9C84EF ) if context.guild.icon is not None: embed.set_thumbnail( url=context.guild.icon.url ) embed.add_field( name="Server ID",, inline=True ) embed.add_field( name="Member Count", value=context.guild.member_count, inline=True ) embed.add_field( name="Text/Voice Channels", value=f"{len(context.guild.channels)}", inline=True ) embed.add_field( name=f"Roles ({len(context.guild.roles)})", value=roles ) embed.set_footer( text=f"Created at: {context.guild.created_at}" ) await context.send(embed=embed) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @commands.hybrid_command( name="ping", description="Check if the bot is alive.", ) @checks.not_blacklisted() async def ping(self, context: Context) -> None: embed = discord.Embed( title="The bot latency is ", description=f"**{round( * 1000)}ms.**", color=0x9C84EF ) await context.send(embed=embed) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @commands.hybrid_command( name="invite", description="Get the invite link of the bot to be able to invite it.", ) @checks.not_blacklisted() async def invite(self, context: Context) -> None: embed = discord.Embed( title="🔑 Permission Administrator", description=f"Invite me by clicking [here]({['application_id']}&scope=bot+applications.commands&permissions={['permissions']}).", color=0xD75BF4 ) try: # To know what permissions to give to your bot, please see here: and remember to not give Administrator permissions. await await context.send("I sent you a private message!") except discord.Forbidden: await context.send(embed=embed) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @commands.hybrid_command( name="server", description="Get the invite link of the discord server of the bot for some support.", ) @checks.not_blacklisted() async def server(self, context: Context) -> None: embed = discord.Embed( description=f"Join the support server for the bot by clicking [here](", color=0xD75BF4 ) try: await await context.send("I sent you a private message!") except discord.Forbidden: await context.send(embed=embed) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @commands.hybrid_command( name="8ball", description="Ask any question to the bot.", ) @checks.not_blacklisted() @app_commands.describe(question="The question you want to ask.") async def eight_ball(self, context: Context, *, question: str) -> None: answers = ["It is certain.", "It is decidedly so.", "You may rely on it.", "Without a doubt.", "Yes - definitely.", "As I see, yes.", "Most likely.", "Outlook good.", "Yes.", "Signs point to yes.", "Reply hazy, try again.", "Ask again later.", "Better not tell you now.", "Cannot predict now.", "Concentrate and ask again later.", "Don't count on it.", "My reply is no.", "My sources say no.", "Outlook not so good.", "Very doubtful."] embed = discord.Embed( title="**My Answer:**", description=f"{random.choice(answers)}", color=0x9C84EF ) embed.set_footer( text=f"The question was: {question}" ) await context.send(embed=embed) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @commands.hybrid_command( name="bitcoin", description="Get the current price of bitcoin.", ) @checks.not_blacklisted() async def bitcoin(self, context: Context) -> None: # This will prevent your bot from stopping everything when doing a web request - see: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get("") as request: if request.status == 200: data = await request.json( content_type="application/javascript") # For some reason the returned content is of type JavaScript embed = discord.Embed( title="Bitcoin price", description=f"The current price is {data['bpi']['USD']['rate']} :dollar:", color=0x9C84EF ) else: embed = discord.Embed( title="Error!", description="There is something wrong with the API, please try again later", color=0xE02B2B ) await context.send(embed=embed) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @commands.hybrid_command( name="rolecount", description="Get the current rolecount of the server.", ) @checks.not_blacklisted() @checks.is_owner() async def rolecount(self, context) -> None: data = format(len(context.guild.roles) - 1) embed = discord.Embed( title="Total Group Roles", description=f"\n**`{data}`**", color=0x9C84EF ) embed.set_footer( text=f"Created at: {context.guild.created_at}" ) await context.send(embed=embed) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- async def setup(bot): await bot.add_cog(General(bot))