# Chappie Server BOT - Python and the library resources [Here](https://pythondiscord.com/pages/resources) - Clone/Download the repository - ``git clone`` (RUN in Command-Promt) [Windows key + r , input ``cmd`` and press enter] ```shell $ git clone https://github.com/Die-Antwoord/Discord-Bot-Python.git $ cd ./Discord-Bot-Python ``` ## Create Bot - Create a Discord Bot: [HERE](https://discord.com/developers/applications) - Permission Generator: [HERE](https://discordapi.com/permissions.html) - Invite Your Bot: ## Create .env enviroment - NOTE: If you going to use .env environment you will need to make the necessary changes to the bots code inorder for it to work - Create [.env](.env) file in the root director. - Here is an explanation of what the values should look like: [env_demo](env_demo) [env_demo](env_demo) ```env TOKEN=YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE WEBHOOK=YOUR_WEBHOOK_HERE TOMORROWIO_TOKEN=WEATHER_API_TOKEN ``` https://dev.to/jakewitcher/using-env-files-for-environment-variables-in-python-applications-55a1 ## Create config.json - Create [config.json](config.json) file in the root directory. - Here is an explanation of what the values should look like: [demo.config.json](demo.config.json) - Example: [demo.config.json](demo.config.json) ```json { "prefix": "YOUR_BOT_PREFIX_HERE", // '.' or '!' Whatever you specify "token": "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE", // Bot Token here "permissions": "YOUR_BOT_PERMISSIONS_HERE", // Example '8' or '1024' https://discordapi.com/permissions.html "application_id": "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID_HERE ", // Bot ID "sync_commands_globally": true, "owners": [ YOUR_OWNERS_ID_HERE, YOUR_OWNERS_ID_HERE ], // Owners ID here 'can be more than one separated with ',' "TOMORROWIO_TOKEN": "WEATHER_API_TOKEN", //http://api.timezonedb.com/v2.1/get-time-zone "allowguilds": "GUILD_ID_ALLOWED", //GUILD Allowed to use the bot "guildmsgdisable": "GUILD_ID_DISALLOW_MESSAGES", //GUILDS to where the bot should not respond to "roles": "JOIN_ROLE_ID", //ROLES that member gain at GUILD_JOIN "welcome_mention": "ROLE_ID_ON_USER_JOIN" // ROLE_ID that will be mentioned as a member join the server } ``` ## Dependences - [PYTHON](https://www.python.org/downloads/) ## Install BOT Requirements - RUN in Command-Promt [Windows key + r , input ``cmd`` and press enter] ```choc $ pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Run BOT - If you have just installed python today, then you just need to use the following command: ```shell $ python bot.py ``` - If you have multiple versions of python installed (2.x and 3.x) then you will need to use the following command: ```shell $ python3 bot.py ``` - or eventually ```shell $ python3.x bot.py ``` - Replace `x` with the version of Python you have installed.