from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Context from helpers import checks # Here we name the cog and create a new class for the cog. class Template(commands.Cog, name="template"): def __init__(self, bot): = bot # Here you can just add your own commands, you'll always need to provide "self" as first parameter. @commands.hybrid_command( name="testcommand", description="This is a testing command that does nothing.", ) # This will only allow non-blacklisted members to execute the command @checks.not_blacklisted() # This will only allow owners of the bot to execute the command -> config.json @checks.is_owner() async def testcommand(self, context: Context): """ This is a testing command that does nothing. :param context: The application command context. """ # Do your stuff here # Don't forget to remove "pass", I added this just because there's no content in the method. pass # And then we finally add the cog to the bot so that it can load, unload, reload and use it's content. async def setup(bot): await bot.add_cog(Template(bot))