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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Added dependency on babashka.fs and babashka.cli.
Introduced functions to find git repository and read/write commit message.
Modified response processing to append to COMMIT_EDITMSG and open in editor.
2024-08-10 11:40:21 -07:00
Refactor aicommit.clj to utilize OpenAI's chat completion API for generating commit messages using groq.
Adding Cheshire core dependency for JSON parsing and generation
2024-08-10 08:12:05 -07:00
Added aicommit.clj script to migrate to babashka clojure. 2024-08-10 06:26:06 -07:00

aicommit.clj Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[babashka.curl :as curl]
'[babashka.process :as p]
'[cheshire.core :as json]
'[babashka.fs :as fs]
'[babashka.cli :as cli])
(def url "")
(def system-msg "
You are an expert programmer that values clear, unambiguous communication and are specialized in generating concise and informative git commit messages.
Your task is to generate a concise, informative git commit message based on the following git diff.
Be sure that the commit message reflects the entire diff.
It is very important that the entire commit is clear and understandable.
Only reply with the commit message and nothing else.
(def diff (:out (p/check (p/sh "git" "diff" "--cached"))))
(defn find-git
(loop [d dir]
(if (fs/directory? (fs/path d ".git"))
(fs/path d ".git")
(recur (fs/parent d)))))
(def commit-message-path (fs/unixify (fs/path (find-git (fs/cwd)) "COMMIT_EDITMSG")))
(def commit-message (slurp commit-message-path))
(def message (json/generate-string
{:messages [{:role "system" :content system-msg}
{:role "user" :content diff}]
:model "llama-3.1-70b-versatile"
:temperature 1
:max_tokens 1024
:top_p 1
:stream false
:stop nil}))
(def response
(curl/post url
{:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"
"Authorization" (str "Bearer " (System/getenv "GROQ_API_KEY"))}
:body message}))
(def content (get-in (:choices (json/parse-string (:body response) true)) [0 :message :content]))
(spit commit-message-path (str content "\n" commit-message))
(p/shell (System/getenv "EDITOR") (first *command-line-args*))