#!/bin/bash API_HOST="https://api.ssh.surf" API_KEY="$1" [ -z $API_KEY ] && echo "You need to provide your api key fot this thing to work. It is strongly advised enabling privacy mode (\`/privacy\`) for the time of execution" && exit 1 hello=$(curl -w %{http_code} -sH "x-ssh-auth: $API_KEY" $API_HOST/hello -o /dev/null) if [[ hello -ne 200 ]]; then echo "token not valid, exiting" exit 1 fi echo $API_KEY > .api-key [ ! which at ] && sudo apt install at date=$(curl -sH "x-ssh-auth: $API_KEY" $API_HOST/time | grep -o '"expireDate":"[^"]*' | grep -o '[^"]*$') echo atd >> /start.sh atd at -t $(date -d $date +'%Y%m%d%H%M') -f /root/container-expire-notifs/notify.sh notif "Container expiration notifications brought back successfully!" notif "**WRNING**: If your conainer is off you may not receive the reminder"