// Required Modules var lemonBar = require("lemonbar"); var wifi = require('node-wifi'); const monitor = require('node-active-window'); var address = require('network-address') const jsonfile = require('jsonfile') const battery = require("battery"); const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const date = require('date-and-time'); var free = require('freem'); const checkDiskSpace = require('check-disk-space').default let font = "Roboto Medium" function cpuUsage(cb, core, sampleMs) { var deltaUsed; var deltaIdle; var timesKeys = ["user", "nice", "sys", "irq"]; var allCores = null === core || !(core > -1); var byCore = (cpu, i) => allCores || core === i; var bySampleKey = (sample, key) => sample.filter(byCore).reduce((sum, cpu) => sum + cpu.times[key], 0); var sample0 = os.cpus(); setTimeout(function () { var sample1 = os.cpus(); deltaUsed = timesKeys.reduce( (diff, key) => diff + bySampleKey(sample1, key) - bySampleKey(sample0, key), 0); deltaIdle = bySampleKey(sample1, "idle") - bySampleKey(sample0, "idle"); if ("function" === typeof cb) { cb(100 * (deltaUsed / (deltaUsed + deltaIdle))); } }, sampleMs || 1000); } function formatBytes(bytes, decimals = 2) { if (bytes === 0) return '0 Bytes'; const k = 1024; const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals; const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k)); return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i]; } const file = '/home/raven/Documents/cache.json' // Launching Main PID for LemonBar lemonBar.launch({ lemonbar: "/usr/bin/lemonbar", // Lemonbar binary shell: "/bin/sh", // Shell to use for actions shelloutput: true, // Print shell STDOUT background: "#000", // Background color (#rgb, #rrggbb, #aarrggbb) foreground: "#000", // Foreground color lineWidth: 1, lineColor: "#666", fonts: ["Roboto Medium", "Roboto Medium"], // Underline/Overline config geometry: { // Window geometry x: 0, y: 0, width: null, height: 25 }, bottom: false, // Dock bar at bottom instead of top forceDocking: false, // Force docking without asking the window manager name: "Linux", // Set the WM_NAME atom value for the bar areas: 10 // Number of clickable areas }) // This must be async for battery level and charging detection async function update() { const now = new Date(); const pattern = date.compile('ddd, DD MMM YYYY'); // The cache file const { level, charging } = await battery(); // Lets check our cache files mtime to see if we need to check the current SSID yet fs.stat(file, function (err, stats) { let seconds = (new Date().getTime() - stats.mtime) / 1000; // If the mtime for the cache is over 1 hour, lets poll for a new SSID if (seconds > 3600) { // Init the card wifi.init({ iface: null // network interface, choose a random wifi interface if set to null }); // Grab the current Wifi SSID and details wifi.getCurrentConnections((error, currentConnections) => { if (error) { console.log(error); } else { // If no error, write the result to the cache const obj = { ssid: currentConnections[0].ssid } jsonfile.writeFile(file, obj, function (err) { if (err) console.error(err) console.log("WifiCache Is Written") }) } }) } checkDiskSpace('/').then((diskSpace) => { free.m(function (err, freeRamMB) { cpuUsage(perc => lemonBar.append(lemonBar.left + require("os").userInfo().username.lbFg("#fff") + " | CPU: ".lbFg("#fff") + (Math.round(perc * 100) / 100).toFixed(2).lbFg("#fff") + " | Mem: ".lbFg("#fff") + freeRamMB[0].free.lbFg("#fff") + " MB".lbFg("#fff") + " | ".lbFg("#fff") + formatBytes(diskSpace.free).toString().lbFg("#fff"))); }); }) // Check the cache SSID jsonfile.readFile(file, function (err, obj) { if (err) console.error(err) // Set a new var containing the ID let wifiSSID = obj.ssid // If charging show its status, else, show nothing for charging if (charging) { lemonBar.append(lemonBar.right + (date.format(now, 'hh:mm:ss').toString.lbFg("#fff") + " | ".lbFg("#fff") + date.format(now, pattern).toString().lbFg("#fff") + " | BAT: ".lbFg("#fff") + level.toString().lbFg("#fff") + " (Charging)".lbFg("#fff") + " " + "| WIFI: ".lbFg("#fff") + wifiSSID.ssid.lbFg("#fff") + " | IP: ".lbFg("#fff") + address().lbFg("#fff")).lbSwap) } else { lemonBar.append(lemonBar.right + (date.format(now, 'hh:mm:ss').toString().lbFont(font).lbFg("#fff") + " | ".lbFg("#fff") + date.format(now, pattern).toString().lbFg("#fff") + " | BAT: ".lbFg("#fff") + level.toString().lbFg("#fff") + " " + "| WIFI: ".lbFg("#fff") + wifiSSID.toString().lbFg("#fff") + " | IP: ".lbFg("#fff") + address().lbFg("#fff")).lbSwap) } monitor.getActiveWindow((err, window) => { if (!err) { lemonBar.append((lemonBar.center + window.app.lbFg("#fff"))) } else console.log(err) }); // Grab the active window and and page name // Write the data to lemonbar lemonBar.write() }) }) } update() // Update current time every second setTimeout(function () { update() setInterval(update, 1200) }, 1200 - new Date().getMilliseconds())