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2022-02-20 21:28:37 -05:00
const { Permissions } = require("discord.js");
const discordModals = require('discord-modals') // Define the discord-modals package!
const { MessageActionRow, MessageSelectMenu } = require('discord.js');
var http = require('unirest');
var http = require('unirest');
exports.run = async (client, interaction) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
discordModals(client); // discord-modals needs your client in order to interact with modals+
//await interaction.deferReply();
const { Modal, TextInputComponent, showModal } = require('discord-modals') // Now we extract the showModal method
let titleCompontent = new TextInputComponent() // We create an Text Input Component
.setCustomId('title') // We set the customId to title
.setLabel('Title Name Here')
.setStyle('SHORT') //IMPORTANT: Text Input Component Style can be 'SHORT' or 'LONG'
.setPlaceholder('Write a text here')
.setRequired(true) // If it's required or not
let descCompontent = new TextInputComponent() // We create an Text Input Component
.setCustomId('desc') // We set the customId to title
.setStyle('LONG') //IMPORTANT: Text Input Component Style can be 'SHORT' or 'LONG'
.setPlaceholder('Write a text here')
.setRequired(true) // If it's required or not
let components = [titleCompontent, descCompontent]
const modal = new Modal() // We create a Modal
.setTitle('Task Information')
// Let's say that the interaction will be an Slash Command called 'ping'.
showModal(modal, {
client: client, // The showModal() method needs the client to send the modal through the API.
interaction: interaction // The showModal() method needs the interaction to send the modal with the Interaction ID & Token.
exports.commandData = {
name: "createtask2",
description: "Test Command",
options: [],
defaultPermission: true,
// Set guildOnly to true if you want it to be available on guilds only.
// Otherwise false is global.
exports.conf = {
permLevel: "User",
guildOnly: true