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2022-01-24 14:05:30 -05:00
const logger = require("../modules/Logger.js");
const { getSettings, permlevel } = require("../modules/functions.js");
const config = require("../config.js");
module.exports = async (client, interaction) => {
// If it's not a command, stop.
if (!interaction.isCommand()) return;
// Grab the settings for this server from Enmap.
// If there is no guild, get default conf (DMs)
const settings = interaction.settings = getSettings(interaction.guild);
// Get the user or member's permission level from the elevation
const level = permlevel(interaction);
// Grab the command data from the client.container.slashcmds Collection
const cmd = client.container.slashcmds.get(interaction.commandName);
// If that command doesn't exist, silently exit and do nothing
if (!cmd) return;
// Since the permission system from Discord is rather limited in regarding to
// Slash Commands, we'll just utilise our permission checker.
if (level < client.container.levelCache[cmd.conf.permLevel]) {
// Due to the nature of interactions we **must** respond to them otherwise
// they will error out because we didn't respond to them.
return await interaction.reply({
content: `This command can only be used by ${cmd.conf.permLevel}'s only`,
// This will basically set the ephemeral response to either announce
// to everyone, or just the command executioner. But we **HAVE** to
// respond.
ephemeral: settings.systemNotice !== "true"
// If everything checks out, run the command
try {
await cmd.run(client, interaction);
logger.log(`${config.permLevels.find(l => l.level === level).name} ${interaction.user.id} ran slash command ${interaction.commandName}`, "cmd");
} catch (e) {
if (interaction.replied)
interaction.followUp({ content: `There was a problem with your request.\n\`\`\`${e.message}\`\`\``, ephemeral: true })
.catch(e => console.error("An error occurred following up on an error", e));
if (interaction.deferred)
interaction.editReply({ content: `There was a problem with your request.\n\`\`\`${e.message}\`\`\``, ephemeral: true })
.catch(e => console.error("An error occurred following up on an error", e));
interaction.reply({ content: `There was a problem with your request.\n\`\`\`${e.message}\`\`\``, ephemeral: true })
.catch(e => console.error("An error occurred replying on an error", e));