const { Permissions } = require("discord.js"); = async (client, interaction) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars await interaction.deferReply(); if (! return await interaction.editReply("I do not have permission to kick members in this server."); await interaction.member.send("You requested to leave the server, if you change your mind you can rejoin at a later date."); await interaction.member.kick(`${interaction.member.displayName} wanted to leave.`); await interaction.editReply(`${interaction.member.displayName} left in a hurry!`); }; exports.commandData = { name: "leave", description: "Make's the user leave the guild.", options: [], defaultPermission: true, }; // Set guildOnly to true if you want it to be available on guilds only. // Otherwise false is global. exports.conf = { permLevel: "User", guildOnly: true };