# DisKan - A discord bot for KanBoard via its API This bot is a work in progress, its goal is to allow you to manage and view the information about your kanboard projects easily and efficently. Currently, you can view a summary of your currently opened tasks and information about your projects, the bot will auto populate its information from the API at your kanboard installation. # Installation Steps: Clone the Repo: ``` git clone https://git.codingvm.codes/snxraven/DisKan.git ``` Change to the DisKan dir: ``` cd DisKan ``` NPM Install: ``` npm install ``` Edit the .env.default config to your needs: ``` DISCORD_TOKEN= OWNER= ROOT_DOMAIN=board.yourdomain.com KANBOARD_API_KEY= PER_PAGE=2 ``` Start the bot: ``` node index.js ``` Pull requests are welcome :)