exports.run = async (bot, message, args, functions) => { let argscmd = message.content.split(" ").slice(1); let urlcmd = argscmd[0]; if (!urlcmd) return message.reply("Please give me a MIDI URL or command"); var fs = require('fs'); const synth = require('synth-js'); var nrc = require('node-run-cmd'); var download = require('download-file') var url = urlcmd if (url != "stop") { var name = Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999); var callback = function (exitCodes) { console.log('Called Back - Converting....'); let midiBuffer = fs.readFileSync('./midifiles/' + name + ".mid"); // convert midi buffer to wav buffer let wavBuffer = synth.midiToWav(midiBuffer).toBuffer(); fs.writeFileSync('/var/www/html/midi/' + name + ".wav", wavBuffer, { encoding: 'binary' }); if (message.member.voice.channel) { message.member.voice.channel.join() .then(connection => { // Connection is an instance of VoiceConnection console.log('Sending and Playing'); const date = require('date-and-time'); const now = new Date(); message.channel.send({ "embed": { "color": 2899536, "footer": { "text": date.format(now, 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss') }, "fields": [ { "name": "Midi Sound Generator", "value": "Here is the sound file: \n https://midi.codingvm.codes/" + name + ".wav \n It should also be playing within the voice channel", "inline": true } ] } }); const dispatcher = connection.play('/var/www/html/midi/' + name + ".wav"); dispatcher.on("end", end => { message.member.voice.channel.leave(); }); dispatcher.on('error', e => { // Catch any errors that may arise return message.reply(e); }); }) .catch(console.log); } else { const date = require('date-and-time'); const now = new Date(); message.channel.send({ "embed": { "color": 2899536, "footer": { "text": date.format(now, 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss') }, "fields": [ { "name": "Midi Sound Generator", "value": "Here is the sound file: \n https://midi.codingvm.codes/" + name + ".wav \n If you join voice, I can also play it when finished.", "inline": true } ] } }); } } message.reply('Please wait, Converting your file...'); nrc.run('wget ' + url + ' -O ./midifiles/' + name + '.mid', { onDone: callback }); console.log('wget ' + url + ' -O ./midifiles/' + name + '.mid'); } if (url == "stop") { message.reply('I have stopped...'); console.log('Stopping...'); message.member.voice.channel.leave(); } } exports.conf = { enabled: true, guildOnly: false, aliases: [''], permLevel: "User" }; exports.help = { name: "midi", category: "Troll", description: "Play a midi file from a URL - Download the wav or Listen in VC", usage: "midi" };