const Discord = require("discord.js"); const fs = require("fs"); const dateFormat = require("dateformat"); = async (bot, message, args, functions) => { let argscmd = message.content.split(" ").slice(1); let word = argscmd.slice(0).join(" "); // yes, start at 0, not 1. I hate that too. if (!word) return message.reply("Please give me a word to look up."); message.delete(); const date = require('date-and-time'); const now = new Date(); const channel = bot.channels.cache.find(channel => === "bot-logs") channel.send({ "embed": { "color": 2899536, "footer": { "text": date.format(now, 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss') }, "fields": [ { "name": "[RavenBot LOG]", "value": + ` ran \nUrban - Param: ` + word, "inline": true } ] } }); var urban = require('urban'), dict = urban(word); dict.first(function (json) { //co.nsole.log(json.definition); // For debug Only // console.log(result.status, result.headers, result.body); console.log("Running Command for Urban | Params: " + word); if (!json) return message.reply("That word does not exist"); + ": " + json.definition + "\n\nExample:\n" + json.example); }); } exports.conf = { enabled: true, guildOnly: false, aliases: [], permLevel: "User" }; = { name: "urban", category: "Troll", description: "Search urban dictionary", usage: "urban" };