var fs = require('fs'); const express = require('express') const { Samsung, KEYS, APPS } = require('samsung-tv-control') const jsonfile = require('jsonfile') // Location of File Cache const file = '/home/token.json' var https = require('https'); // Set up SSL var privateKey = fs.readFileSync('/cert/cert.key', 'utf8'); var certificate = fs.readFileSync('/cert/file.cert', 'utf8'); var credentials = {key: privateKey, cert: certificate}; // Keep BASE URL in case its needed let baseURL = "" // Enable CORS for Express var cors = require('cors') // Use These options to allow ALL const corsOptions ={ origin:'*', credentials:true, optionSuccessStatus:200, } // Use JSON NPM to read the token from cache jsonfile.readFile(file, function (err, obj) { if (err) console.error(err) // The token was read, here it is console.log("token: " + // Lets add that to the configuration const config = { debug: false, // Default: false ip: '', mac: 'A4:30:7A:08:57:6A', nameApp: 'WebControl', // Default: NodeJS port: 8002, // Default: 8002 token:, } // Now we have a config, lets set it const control = new Samsung(config) // Get all installed apps from TV - FUNCTION control.getAppsFromTV((err, res) => { console.log(err) if (!err) { console.log('# Response getAppsFromTV', res) } }) // Function to send KEY! async function sendKey(key) { // Send key to TV control.sendKey(key, function (err, res) { if (!err) { console.log("Sending: " + key) } }) } // Function to send INPUT! async function sendInput(input){ // Send text to focused input on TV control.sendText(input, function (err, res) { if (!err) { console.log("Sending: " + input) console.log('# Response sendText', res) } }) } // Defube Express and https serer const app = express() var httpsServer = https.createServer(credentials, app); // Set port const port = 3031 // USe CORS app.use(cors(corsOptions)) // Lets handle BLANK Traffic! app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.end('Welcome to the TV API!') }) // Handling home app.get('/home', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_HOME) res.end('1') })(); }) // Handling right app.get('/right', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_RIGHT) res.end('1') })(); }) // Handling left app.get('/left', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_LEFT) res.end('1') })(); }) // up app.get('/up', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_UP) res.end('1') })(); }) // Handling down app.get('/down', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_DOWN) res.end('1') })(); }) // Handling enter app.get('/enter', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_ENTER) res.end('1') })(); }) // Handling back app.get('/back', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_RETURN) res.end('1') })(); }) // Handling volume down app.get('/volumeDown', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_VOLDOWN) res.end('1') })(); }) // Handling volume up app.get('/volumeUp', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_VOLUP) res.end('1') })(); }) // Handling mute app.get('/mute', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_MUTE) res.end('1') })(); }) // Handling picture mode app.get('/pmode', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_PMODE) res.end('1') })(); }) // Handling off app.get('/off', (req, res) => { (async () => { await sendKey(KEYS.KEY_POWEROFF) res.end('1') })(); }) // Handling input app.get('/input', (req, res) => { const path = require('path'); (async () => { let sent = await sendInput(sent) res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '/finish_input.html')); })(); }) // Generating a new token app.get('/newToken', (req, res) => { (async () => { control .isAvailable() .then(() => { // Get token for API control.getToken((token) => {'# Response getToken:', token) const obj = { data: token } if (token == null) return jsonfile.writeFile(file, obj, function (err) { if (err) console.error(err) console.log("new key, exiting to refresh") process.exit(0); }) }) }) res.end('1') })(); }) // Hadling checking password app.get('/checkPass', (req, res) => { (async () => { let pass = "changeme" let sent = req.query.pass if (pass == sent){ console.log("User Authed Properly!") res.end('1') } else { res.end('0') } })(); }) // Listen httpsServer.listen(port, () => { console.log(`TV Control API listening on port ${port}`) }) })