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2022-05-31 18:28:17 -05:00
// Lets use some libs to help us out.
const fs = require('fs')
Tail = require('tail').Tail;
sshTail = new Tail("/var/log/auth.log");
const cmd = require('cmd-promise')
// Setting up our main storage logic - for now this program does not use a database system.
let serverStatusCount = 0;
let attackData = []
let blockedIPs = []
let ipToBlock
console.log("Welcome to the security notification system secuNotify by Discord-Linux!");
console.log("We currently will notify you about login events, such as failed logins and successful logins.");
// Setting up our notification function - This allows us to direct message our user.
function notify(message) {
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
const notif = spawn('notif', [message]);
notif.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);
notif.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
console.error(`stderr: ${data}`);
notif.on('close', (code) => {
console.log(`Code: ${code} - Continuing to monitor`);
function listenAuthLog(logLocation) {
sshTail.on("line", function (info) {
let infoString = info.toString();
if (infoString.includes("Failed password for root")) {
notify("secuNotify Service Alert: \n" + info);
if (infoString.includes("Accepted password for")) {
notify("secuNotify Service Alert: \n" + info + "This does mean that someone (Maybe you) has logged in successfully!");
if (infoString.includes("Invalid user")) {
notify("secuNotify Service Alert: \n" + info + "This means that someone (Maybe you) has tried to login with an invalid username!");
function listenWPLog(logLocation) {
// Check to see if we are a wordpress user, if so, activate the wordpress notification service
try {
if (fs.existsSync("/var/www/html/wp-config.php")) {
console.log("We are a wordpress user, activating wordpress notification service");
// Tail Logs section, if we have a lot, it will have a listeniner below.
wpTail.on("line", function (info) {
// Convert Data to String
let requestInfo = info.toString()
// FIND IP Address from this request
var ipRegEx = /\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b/; // RegEx IPAddress Format
var ipRegExMatched = requestInfo.match(ipRegEx); // Set up our match
let remoteIP = ipRegExMatched[0] // Set our var
// // Grab the whitelist
// let whitelistData = process.env.WHITELIST
// let whitelist = whitelistData.split(",")
// // If an IP is found to be in the whitelist, return as to do nothing.
// for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(whitelist)) {
// if (value === remoteIP) return
// }
// Filtering out any server-status requests - These are annoying.
if (requestInfo.includes("server-status")) {
// Add to the server status count so we may keep track of these requests.
// Lets return the data as no not proceed with any further code, as it is not needed.
// We return to stdout here to update the cli without adding a new line line a clock
return process.stdout.write("Server Status Count: " + serverStatusCount + "\r");
// If request contans wp-login lets process its request
if (requestInfo.includes("wp-login.php") && requestInfo.includes("POST")) {
// Lets start the process of logging attack attempts to determine request intent.
// Over the threshhold here will automatically CSF D the IP Address.
// In this simple version, we will just log each IP Address as they come in within an array
// We will then roll and count this array after each detection to determine the IPs intent.
console.log("---------\nWP LOGIN REQUEST DETECTED!\n---------")
console.log(info + "\n----------");
// Lets count the attack data per IP Address to ensure its logged properly.
var counts = {};
// For each IP Address recorded into the main attackData array, count them and see outmany bad requests they have made.
attackData.forEach(function (x) {
// Add a point for each entry
counts[x] = (counts[x] || 0) + 1;
for ([key, value] of Object.entries(counts)) {
// If the count has hit the blockON Count we start the blocking process
if (counts[x] == 5) {
// Preserve the key for later blocklist addition
ipToBlock = key
// Check the already blocked IPs - If the remoteIP is in the list do nothing
if (blockedIPs.includes(key)) {
} else {
// The remoteIP is not listed, lets add it.
// Let the log know we are blocking the IP
console.log("Starting to block bad IP")
// Run the block, wait for the promise - Requests are still going on
cmd(`/var/tools/firewallctl ` + key + " WP-Login Brute Force Blocked Via secuNotify").then(out => {
notify("secuNotify Service Alert:\n " + key + " has been blocked for 5 bad wordpress login attempts!");
// The block has finished - remoteIP no longer has access
}).catch(err => {
// IF we see an error, give its output
console.log('CSF Error: ', err)
}).then(out2 => {
// Set IPBLOCK to null for a reset and start scanning for new attacks
ipToBlock = null;
console.log("Attack Stopped, Looking for new attacks....")
// Live view of the counts
} catch (err) {
fs.exists("/var/log/apache2/access.log", function (isExist) {
if (isExist) {
wpTail = new Tail("/var/log/apache2/access.log");
} else {
console.log("ApacheHTTP Server is not installed, not enabling WP protection.");