import "dotenv/config.js"; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { emptyResponses } from './assets/emptyMessages.js'; import { resetResponses, userResetMessages } from './assets/resetMessages.js'; import { errorMessages, busyResponses } from './assets/errorMessages.js'; import cpuStat from 'cpu-stat'; import os from 'os'; import smi from 'node-nvidia-smi'; import llamaTokenizer from 'llama-tokenizer-js' import { Client, GatewayIntentBits, ActivityType, Partials } from 'discord.js'; const client = new Client({ intents: [ GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessages, GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildModeration, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent, ], partials: [Partials.Channel], }); // Grab ChannelIDs from the .env file const channelIDs = process.env.CHANNEL_IDS.split(','); // Store Conversations in a MAP const conversations = new Map(); let botMessage; // define a variable to hold the message object // Set busy function this allows us to set our bot into busy mode // locking out all other tasks until the current one is complete function setBusy(userId, isBusy) { if (conversations.has(userId)) { conversations.get(userId).busy = isBusy; } else { conversations.set(userId, { busy: isBusy }); } } // General check, if any conversation is busy // If yes, flag it and let us know function isAnyConversationBusy() { for (const conversation of conversations.values()) { if (conversation.busy) { setPresenceBusy() return true; } } return false; } // Setting our precence to busy within the bots status function setPresenceBusy() { client.user.setPresence({ activities: [{ name: `Processing a Request`, type: ActivityType.Playing }], status: 'dnd', }); } // Setting our precence to ready within the bots status function setPresenceOnline() { client.user.setPresence({ activities: [{ name: `Ready for Request`, type: ActivityType.Playing }], status: 'online', }); } // When we have logged in to discord api // Set precence to online. client.once('ready', () => { console.log('Bot is ready.'); setPresenceOnline() }); // When a message is sent within discord, lets handle it. client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => { // Function to send a random message from any array async function sendRand(array) { const arrayChoice = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]; await; // give a notification of reset using a human like response. } // Function to send a random Direct Message from any array async function sendRandDM(array) { const arrayChoice = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]; await; // give a notification of reset using a human like response. } // Only respond in the specified channels if (!channelIDs.includes( { return; } // Always ignore bots! if ( return; // Check if any conversation is busy if (isAnyConversationBusy()) { // Update bot presence to "Busy" setPresenceBusy() message.delete(); sendRandDM(busyResponses); return; } // Set user ID and get our conversation. const userID =; let conversation = conversations.get(userID) || { messages: [], busy: false }; // If we do not have a conversation, lets generate one. // This requires a chatflow for the API. // Its better to have a default beginning conversation // Providing context for the AI Model. if (conversation.messages.length === 0) { conversation.messages.push({ role: 'user', content: ` ${process.env.INIT_PROMPT}` }); conversation.messages.push({ role: 'user', content: ` User name: ${}.` }); conversation.messages.push({ role: 'assistant', content: ` Hello, ${}, how may I help you?` }); } // If a user needs a reset, we delete their MAP if (message.content === '!reset' || message.content === '!r') { conversations.delete(userID); // Delete user's conversation map if they request reset sendRand(userResetMessages) return; } // Begin processing our conversation, this is our main work flow. // Append user message to conversation history conversation.messages.push({ role: 'user', content: ` ${message.cleanContent}` }); try { // Now we have our conversation set up // Lets set precence to busy // We also will set our conversations MAP to busy // Locking out all other tasks setPresenceBusy() setBusy(, true); // Lets start generating the response const response = await generateResponse(conversation, message); // Append bot message to conversation history when it is ready conversation.messages.push({ role: 'assistant', content: response }); if (response && response.trim()) { // Send response to user if it's not empty const limit = 1980; // if we are over the discord char limit we need chunks... if (response.length > limit) { // We are going to check all of the message chunks if our response is too large for discord. // We can extend our message size using chunks, the issue? // Users can abuse this feature, we lock this to 15 to avoid API Abuse. const chunks = response.match(new RegExp(`.{1,${limit}}`, "g")); if (chunks.length >= 15) return await"Response chunks too large. Try again"); // If we do now have too many chunks, lets send each one using our overflow delay for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { setTimeout(() => {[i]); }, i * (process.env.OVERFLOW_DELAY || 3) * 1000); // delay of 3 seconds between each chunk to save on API requests } } else { // We are good to go message is not too large for discord, send the response await"@", "")); } // We have completed our task, lets go online setPresenceOnline() // set our conversation MAP to not busy setBusy(, false); } else { // Handle empty response here sendRand(emptyResponses) conversations.delete(userID); // Delete user's conversation map if they request reset sendRand(resetResponses) setPresenceOnline() conversation.busy = false; } conversations.set(userID, conversation); // Update user's conversation map in memory // Print the current conversation as it stands console.log(conversation) } catch (err) { // If we have any errors lets send a response console.error(err); return sendRand(errorMessages) } finally { // We are done! Lets finish up going online setPresenceOnline() setBusy(, false); } }); // Import cheerio for scraping import cheerio from 'cheerio'; async function generateResponse(conversation, message) { // Begin web scraper if a https:// OR http:// URL is detected // Check if message contains a URL const urlRegex = /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g; // Match our REGEX const urls = message.content.match(urlRegex); if (urls) { // If there are multiple URLs, process them one by one for (const url of urls) { try { const res = await fetch(url); const html = await res.text(); const $ = cheerio.load(html); // Extract page title, meta description and content const pageTitle = $('head title').text().trim(); const pageDescription = $('head meta[name="description"]').attr('content'); const pageContent = $('body').text().trim(); // Construct response message with page details let response = `Title: ${pageTitle}\n`; if (pageDescription) { response += `Description: ${pageDescription}\n`; } if (pageContent) { // Lets check for content and grab only the amount as configured. const MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = process.env.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH; let plainTextContent = $('
').html(pageContent).text().trim().replace(/[\r\n\t]+/g, ' '); // Clean up code remove it from processing const codePattern = /\/\/|\/\*|\*\/|\{|\}|\[|\]|\bfunction\b|\bclass\b|\b0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\b|\b0b[01]+\b/; const isCode = codePattern.test(plainTextContent); if (isCode) { plainTextContent = plainTextContent.replace(codePattern, ''); } // Remove anything enclosed in brackets JUNK DATA plainTextContent = plainTextContent.replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, ''); if (plainTextContent.length > MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH) { plainTextContent = plainTextContent.substring(0, MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH) + '...'; } response += `Content: ${plainTextContent.trim()}`; } response += `URL: ${url}`; // Get the index of the last message in the array const lastMessageIndex = conversation.messages.length - 1; // Append a new line and the new content to the existing content of the last message conversation.messages[lastMessageIndex].content += "\n" + response; console.log("A URL was provided, response: " + response) } catch (err) { console.error(err); return sendRand(errorMessages); } } } // We need an abort controller to stop our progress message editor const controller = new AbortController(); // Set our timeout for the controller const timeout = setTimeout(() => { controller.abort(); }, 900000); // Copy our messages from MAP const messagesCopy = [...conversation.messages]; // create a copy of the messages array let time = 0 // define a function that shows the system load percentage and updates the message const showSystemLoad = async () => { // Configure our inital time time = Number(time) + Number(process.env.REFRESH_INTERVAL); // Get system stats cpuStat.usagePercent(function (err, percent, seconds) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } // Setting out system stat vars const systemLoad = percent; const freeMemory = os.freemem() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024; const totalMemory = os.totalmem() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024; const usedMemory = totalMemory - freeMemory; // lets build some embed data let embedData; // If we have NO GPU config lets send system stats only if (process.env.GPU == 0) { embedData = { color: 0x0099ff, title: 'Please wait.. I am thinking...', fields: [ { name: 'System Load', value: `${systemLoad.toFixed(2)}%`, }, { name: 'Memory Usage', value: `${usedMemory.toFixed(2)} GB / ${totalMemory.toFixed(2)} GB`, }, { name: 'Time', value: `~${time} seconds.`, }, ], }; // if the message object doesn't exist, create it if (!botMessage) { (async () => { if (time == 0) return botMessage = await{ embeds: [embedData] }); })(); } else { (async () => { if (!isAnyConversationBusy()) { botMessage.delete() } else { await botMessage.edit({ embeds: [embedData] }); // otherwise, update the message } })(); } } else { // If we do have GPU=1 lets send some card info too! smi(function (err, data) { if (err) { // Handle error if smi function fails console.error(err); return; } let utilization = data.nvidia_smi_log.gpu.utilization; let gpuUtilization = utilization.gpu_util; let memoryUtilization = utilization.memory_util; let gpuTemp = data.nvidia_smi_log.gpu.temperature.gpu_temp; // These are not used until nvidia-docker fixes their support let gpuTarget = data.nvidia_smi_log.gpu.temperature.gpu_target_temperature; let gpuFanSpeed = data.nvidia_smi_log.gpu.fan_speed; embedData = { color: 0x0099ff, title: 'Please wait.. I am thinking...', fields: [ { name: 'System Load', value: `${systemLoad.toFixed(2)}%`, }, { name: 'Memory Usage', value: `${usedMemory.toFixed(2)} GB / ${totalMemory.toFixed(2)} GB`, }, { name: 'GPU Utilization', value: `${gpuUtilization}`, }, { name: 'Memory Utilization', value: `${memoryUtilization}`, }, { name: 'GPU Temperature', value: `${gpuTemp}`, }, { name: 'Time', value: `~${time} seconds.`, }, ], }; // if the message object doesn't exist, create it if (!botMessage) { (async () => { if (time == 0) return botMessage = await{ embeds: [embedData] }); })(); } else { (async () => { if (!isAnyConversationBusy()) { botMessage.delete() } else { await botMessage.edit({ embeds: [embedData] }); // otherwise, update the message } })(); } }) } }); }; try { // call the function initially await showSystemLoad(); // Grab the REFRESH_INTERVAL from ENV if not exist, lets use 7 (seconds) const refreshInterval = setInterval(showSystemLoad, (process.env.REFRESH_INTERVAL || 7) * 1000); // Handle context size // Assuming 'messagesCopy' is the array of messages you provided // Encode the messages const encodedTokens = llamaTokenizer.encode(messagesCopy); // Check the token length const tokenLength = encodedTokens.length; console.log(`CTX SIZE: ${tokenLength}`); // Remove older conversations if necessary const maxLength = 2048; if (tokenLength > maxLength) { const diff = tokenLength - maxLength; let removedTokens = 0; // Iterate over the messages in reverse order for (let i = messagesCopy.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const message = messagesCopy[i]; const messageTokens = llamaTokenizer.encode([message]); // Calculate the token length of the current message const messageTokenLength = messageTokens.length; // Remove the current message if it won't make the token length negative if (removedTokens + messageTokenLength <= diff) { messagesCopy.splice(i, 1); removedTokens += messageTokenLength; } else { // Break the loop if removing the message would make the token length negative break; } } // Check the updated token length } console.log(`CTX SIZE AFTER PROCESSING: ${llamaTokenizer.encode(messagesCopy).length}`); // Sending request to our API const response = await fetch(`http://${process.env.ROOT_IP}:${process.env.ROOT_PORT}/v1/chat/completions`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ messages: messagesCopy, max_tokens: Number(process.env.MAX_TOKENS), // add the max_tokens parameter here repeat_penalty: Number(process.env.REPEAT_PENALTY) }), signal: controller.signal }); const responseData = await response.json(); console.log(JSON.stringify(responseData)); const choice = responseData.choices[0]; const responseText = choice.message.content; // clear the interval, replace the "please wait" message with the response, and update the message console.log(responseText); await botMessage.delete() clearInterval(refreshInterval); botMessage = null; return responseText; } catch (err) { throw err; } finally { clearTimeout(timeout); botMessage = null; time = 0 } } client.login(process.env.THE_TOKEN); // Replace with your bot token