import Hyperswarm from 'hyperswarm'; import crypto from 'hypercore-crypto'; import b4a from 'b4a'; let swarm; let micStream; let audioContext; let isBroadcasting = false; let conns = []; let currentDeviceId = null; // To store the selected audio device ID let accumulatedBuffer = b4a.alloc(0); // Buffer for accumulating received audio data let stationKey = crypto.randomBytes(32); // Default random key for the station document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { document.getElementById('create-station').addEventListener('click', () => { // Show the Create Station modal when clicking "Create Station" button const createStationModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('createStationModal'));; }); document.getElementById('generate-new-key').addEventListener('click', () => { // Generate a new station key automatically stationKey = crypto.randomBytes(32); document.getElementById('existing-key').value = b4a.toString(stationKey, 'hex'); // Display the new key in the text box }); document.getElementById('create-station-button').addEventListener('click', () => { // Check if the user provided an existing key or use the generated one const existingKey = document.getElementById('existing-key').value.trim(); stationKey = existingKey ? b4a.from(existingKey, 'hex') : stationKey; // Set up the station with the chosen key setupStation(stationKey); // Hide the modal after setting up the station const createStationModal = bootstrap.Modal.getInstance(document.getElementById('createStationModal')); createStationModal.hide(); }); document.getElementById('leave-stream').addEventListener('click', () => { stopBroadcast(); leaveStation(); }); document.getElementById('join-station-button').addEventListener('click', joinStation); document.getElementById('apply-audio-source').addEventListener('click', applyAudioSource); // Populate the audio input source dropdown for the broadcaster populateAudioInputSources(); }); // Function to populate audio input sources async function populateAudioInputSources() { try { const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(); const audioInputSelect = document.getElementById('audio-input-select'); audioInputSelect.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing options devices.forEach((device) => { if (device.kind === 'audioinput') { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = device.deviceId; option.textContent = device.label || `Microphone ${audioInputSelect.length + 1}`; audioInputSelect.appendChild(option); } }); // Set default device ID to the first option currentDeviceId = audioInputSelect.value; } catch (err) { console.error("Error enumerating devices:", err); } } // Function to apply selected audio source async function applyAudioSource() { const selectedDeviceId = document.getElementById('audio-input-select').value; if (selectedDeviceId !== currentDeviceId) { currentDeviceId = selectedDeviceId; stopBroadcast(); // Stop current stream startBroadcast(); // Restart stream with new device } } // Function to start broadcasting from the microphone async function startBroadcast() { if (isBroadcasting) stopBroadcast(); // Stop any existing broadcast try { audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); micStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: { deviceId: currentDeviceId ? { exact: currentDeviceId } : undefined }, }); const source = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(micStream); const processor = audioContext.createScriptProcessor(4096, 1, 1); source.connect(processor); processor.connect(audioContext.destination); processor.onaudioprocess = (event) => { const audioData = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0); const buffer = b4a.from(new Float32Array(audioData).buffer); // Send audio data to all connections for (const conn of conns) { conn.write(buffer); } }; isBroadcasting = true; console.log("Broadcasting started."); } catch (err) { console.error("Error accessing microphone:", err); } } // Function to stop broadcasting and clean up resources function stopBroadcast() { if (!isBroadcasting) return; broadcastStopSignal(); if (micStream) { micStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop()); micStream = null; } if (audioContext) { audioContext.close(); audioContext = null; } accumulatedBuffer = b4a.alloc(0); // Reset accumulated buffer isBroadcasting = false; console.log("Broadcasting stopped."); } // Broadcast a stop signal to all peers function broadcastStopSignal() { for (const conn of conns) { conn.write(Buffer.alloc(0)); // Send an empty buffer as a stop signal } } // Function to create a broadcasting station async function setupStation(key) { swarm = new Hyperswarm(); swarm.join(key, { client: false, server: true }); // Show broadcaster controls document.getElementById('broadcaster-controls').classList.remove('d-none'); // Update UI document.getElementById('station-info').textContent = `Station ID: ${b4a.toString(key, 'hex')}`; document.getElementById('setup').classList.add('d-none'); document.getElementById('controls').classList.remove('d-none'); // Start broadcasting as soon as the station is created startBroadcast(); // Listen for incoming connections swarm.on('connection', (conn) => { conns.push(conn); conn.once('close', () => { conns.splice(conns.indexOf(conn), 1); console.log("Peer disconnected."); }); conn.on('data', handleData); // Add error handler to log disconnects and suppress crashes conn.on('error', (err) => { if (err.code === 'ECONNRESET') { console.log("Peer connection reset by remote peer."); } else { console.error("Connection error:", err); } }); }); } // Function to leave the station and stop broadcasting function leaveStation() { if (swarm) swarm.destroy(); document.getElementById('setup').classList.remove('d-none'); document.getElementById('controls').classList.add('d-none'); // Hide broadcaster controls document.getElementById('broadcaster-controls').classList.add('d-none'); stopBroadcast(); console.log("Left the station."); } // Function to handle incoming data from peers function handleData(data) { if (data.length === 0) { console.log("Received stop command from peer"); stopBroadcast(); } else { processIncomingAudioData(data); } } // Function to process and play incoming audio data function processIncomingAudioData(data) { if (!audioContext) { audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); } accumulatedBuffer = b4a.concat([accumulatedBuffer, data]); while (accumulatedBuffer.byteLength >= 4) { const chunkSize = accumulatedBuffer.byteLength; const audioData = new Float32Array(accumulatedBuffer.slice(0, chunkSize).buffer); accumulatedBuffer = accumulatedBuffer.slice(chunkSize); const buffer = audioContext.createBuffer(1, audioData.length, audioContext.sampleRate); buffer.copyToChannel(audioData, 0); const source = audioContext.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = buffer; source.connect(audioContext.destination); source.start(); } } // Function to join an existing station async function joinStation() { const stationId = document.getElementById('station-id').value; if (!stationId) { alert("Please enter a station ID."); return; } // Convert the station ID to a topic buffer const topicBuffer = b4a.from(stationId, 'hex'); swarm = new Hyperswarm(); swarm.join(topicBuffer, { client: true, server: false }); document.getElementById('station-info').textContent = `Connected to Station: ${stationId}`; document.getElementById('setup').classList.add('d-none'); document.getElementById('controls').classList.remove('d-none'); // Hide broadcaster controls for listener document.getElementById('broadcaster-controls').classList.add('d-none'); swarm.on('connection', (conn) => { conn.on('data', (data) => { processIncomingAudioData(data); }); // Add error handler for listener connections conn.on('error', (err) => { if (err.code === 'ECONNRESET') { console.log("Peer connection reset by remote peer."); } else { console.error("Connection error:", err); } }); }); // Hide the modal after joining const joinModal = document.getElementById('joinModal'); const modalInstance = bootstrap.Modal.getInstance(joinModal); if (modalInstance) { modalInstance.hide(); } }