// DOM Elements const templateList = document.getElementById('template-list'); const templateSearchInput = document.getElementById('template-search-input'); const templateDeployModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('templateDeployModalUnique')); const deployForm = document.getElementById('deploy-form'); // Function to close all modals function closeAllModals() { const modals = document.querySelectorAll('.modal.show'); modals.forEach(modal => { const modalInstance = bootstrap.Modal.getInstance(modal); if (modalInstance) modalInstance.hide(); }); } // Show status indicator function showStatusIndicator(message = 'Processing...') { const statusIndicator = document.createElement('div'); statusIndicator.id = 'status-indicator'; statusIndicator.className = 'position-fixed top-0 start-0 w-100 h-100 d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center bg-dark bg-opacity-75'; statusIndicator.innerHTML = `


`; document.body.appendChild(statusIndicator); } // Hide status indicator function hideStatusIndicator() { const statusIndicator = document.getElementById('status-indicator'); if (statusIndicator) { console.log('[DEBUG] Hiding status indicator'); statusIndicator.remove(); } else { console.error('[ERROR] Status indicator element not found!'); } } // Show alert message function showAlert(type, message) { const alertBox = document.createElement('div'); alertBox.className = `alert alert-${type}`; alertBox.textContent = message; const container = document.querySelector('#alert-container'); if (container) { container.appendChild(alertBox); setTimeout(() => { container.removeChild(alertBox); }, 5000); } else { console.warn('[WARN] Alert container not found.'); } } // Fetch templates from the URL async function fetchTemplates() { try { const response = await fetch('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/technorabilia/portainer-templates/main/lsio/templates/templates-2.0.json'); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`); } const data = await response.json(); const templates = data.templates || []; displayTemplateList(templates); } catch (error) { console.error('[ERROR] Failed to fetch templates:', error.message); showAlert('danger', 'Failed to load templates.'); } } // Display templates in the list function displayTemplateList(templates) { templateList.innerHTML = ''; templates.forEach(template => { const listItem = document.createElement('li'); listItem.className = 'list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center'; listItem.innerHTML = `
Logo ${template.title}
`; listItem.querySelector('.deploy-btn').addEventListener('click', () => openDeployModal(template)); templateList.appendChild(listItem); }); } // Filter templates by search input templateSearchInput.addEventListener('input', () => { const searchQuery = templateSearchInput.value.toLowerCase(); const filteredTemplates = templates.filter(template => template.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery) || template.description.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery) ); displayTemplateList(filteredTemplates); }); // Open deploy modal and populate the form dynamically function openDeployModal(template) { console.log('[DEBUG] Opening deploy modal for:', template); const deployTitle = document.getElementById('deploy-title'); deployTitle.textContent = `Deploy ${template.title}`; const deployImage = document.getElementById('deploy-image'); deployImage.value = template.image || ''; const deployPorts = document.getElementById('deploy-ports'); deployPorts.value = (template.ports || []).join(', '); const deployVolumes = document.getElementById('deploy-volumes'); deployVolumes.value = (template.volumes || []) .map(volume => `${volume.bind}:${volume.container}`) .join(', '); const deployEnv = document.getElementById('deploy-env'); deployEnv.innerHTML = ''; (template.env || []).forEach(env => { const envRow = document.createElement('div'); envRow.className = 'mb-3'; envRow.innerHTML = ` `; deployEnv.appendChild(envRow); }); templateDeployModal.show(); } // Deploy Docker container async function deployDockerContainer(payload) { const { imageName, ports = [], volumes = [], envVars = [] } = payload; const validPorts = ports.filter(port => { if (!port || !port.includes('/')) { console.warn(`[WARN] Invalid port entry skipped: ${port}`); return false; } return true; }); const validVolumes = volumes.filter(volume => { if (!volume || !volume.includes(':')) { console.warn(`[WARN] Invalid volume entry skipped: ${volume}`); return false; } return true; }); console.log('[INFO] Sending deployment command to the server...'); sendCommand('deployContainer', { image: imageName, ports: validPorts, volumes: validVolumes, env: envVars.map(({ name, value }) => ({ name, value })), }); } // Handle form submission for deployment deployForm.addEventListener('submit', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const imageName = document.getElementById('deploy-image').value.trim(); const ports = document.getElementById('deploy-ports').value.split(',').map(port => port.trim()); const volumes = document.getElementById('deploy-volumes').value.split(',').map(volume => volume.trim()); const envInputs = document.querySelectorAll('#deploy-env input'); const envVars = Array.from(envInputs).map(input => ({ name: input.getAttribute('data-env-name'), value: input.value.trim(), })); const deployPayload = { imageName, ports, volumes, envVars }; console.log('[DEBUG] Deploy payload:', deployPayload); try { showStatusIndicator('Deploying container...'); await deployDockerContainer(deployPayload); hideStatusIndicator(); closeAllModals(); showAlert('success', `Container deployed successfully from image ${imageName}.`); } catch (error) { console.error('[ERROR] Failed to deploy container:', error.message); hideStatusIndicator(); showAlert('danger', 'Failed to deploy container.'); } }); // Initialize templates on load document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fetchTemplates); // Export required functions export { fetchTemplates, displayTemplateList, openDeployModal };