739 lines
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739 lines
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// server.js
import Hyperswarm from 'hyperswarm';
import Docker from 'dockerode';
import crypto from 'hypercore-crypto';
import { PassThrough } from 'stream';
import os from "os";
import fs from 'fs';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { spawn } from 'child_process';
// Load environment variables from .env file
const docker = new Docker({
socketPath: os.platform() === "win32" ? '//./pipe/dockerDesktopLinuxEngine' : '/var/run/docker.sock',
const swarm = new Hyperswarm();
const connectedPeers = new Set();
const terminalSessions = new Map(); // Map to track terminal sessions per peer
// Function to generate a new key
function generateNewKey() {
const newKey = crypto.randomBytes(32);
fs.appendFileSync('.env', `SERVER_KEY=${newKey.toString('hex')}\n`, { flag: 'a' });
return newKey;
// Load or generate the topic key
let keyHex = process.env.SERVER_KEY;
if (!keyHex) {
console.log('[INFO] No SERVER_KEY found in .env. Generating a new one...');
const newKey = generateNewKey();
keyHex = newKey.toString('hex');
} else {
console.log('[INFO] SERVER_KEY loaded from .env.');
// Convert the keyHex to a Buffer
const topic = Buffer.from(keyHex, 'hex');
console.log(`[INFO] Server started with topic: ${topic.toString('hex')}`);
// Start listening or further implementation logic here
// Join the swarm with the generated topic
swarm.join(topic, { server: true, client: false });
// Handle incoming peer connections
swarm.on('connection', (peer) => {
console.log('[INFO] Peer connected');
peer.on('data', async (data) => {
try {
const parsedData = JSON.parse(data.toString());
if (!(parsedData.command === 'stats' && Object.keys(parsedData.args).length === 0)) {
console.log(`[DEBUG] Received data from peer: ${JSON.stringify(parsedData)}`);
let response;
switch (parsedData.command) {
case 'listContainers':
console.log('[INFO] Handling \'listContainers\' command');
try {
const containers = await docker.listContainers({ all: true });
const detailedContainers = await Promise.all(
containers.map(async (container) => {
try {
const details = await docker.getContainer(container.Id).inspect();
// Safely access the IP address
let ipAddress = 'No IP Assigned';
if (details.NetworkSettings && details.NetworkSettings.Networks) {
const networks = Object.values(details.NetworkSettings.Networks);
if (networks.length > 0 && networks[0].IPAddress) {
ipAddress = networks[0].IPAddress;
return { ...container, ipAddress }; // Add IP address to container data
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to inspect container ${container.Id}: ${error.message}`);
return { ...container, ipAddress: 'Error Retrieving IP' }; // Return partial data with error
response = { type: 'containers', data: detailedContainers };
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to list containers: ${error.message}`);
response = { error: 'Failed to list containers' };
case 'inspectContainer':
console.log(`[INFO] Handling 'inspectContainer' command for container: ${parsedData.args.id}`);
const container = docker.getContainer(parsedData.args.id);
const config = await container.inspect();
response = { type: 'containerConfig', data: config };
case 'dockerCommand':
console.log(`[INFO] Handling 'dockerCommand' with data: ${parsedData.data}`);
try {
const command = parsedData.data.split(' '); // Split the command into executable and args
const executable = command[0];
const args = command.slice(1);
const childProcess = spawn(executable, args);
let response = {
type: 'dockerOutput',
connectionId: parsedData.connectionId,
data: '',
// Stream stdout to the peer
childProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`[DEBUG] Command stdout: ${data.toString()}`);
data: data.toString('base64'),
encoding: 'base64',
// Stream stderr to the peer
childProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
console.error(`[ERROR] Command stderr: ${data.toString()}`);
data: `[ERROR] ${data.toString('base64')}`,
encoding: 'base64',
// Handle command exit
childProcess.on('close', (code) => {
const exitMessage = `[INFO] Command exited with code ${code}`;
data: exitMessage,
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Command execution failed: ${error.message}`);
type: 'dockerOutput',
connectionId: parsedData.connectionId,
data: `[ERROR] Failed to execute command: ${error.message}`,
case 'logs':
console.log(`[INFO] Handling 'logs' command for container: ${parsedData.args.id}`);
const logsContainer = docker.getContainer(parsedData.args.id);
const logsStream = await logsContainer.logs({
stdout: true,
stderr: true,
tail: 100, // Fetch the last 100 log lines
follow: true, // Stream live logs
logsStream.on('data', (chunk) => {
type: 'logs',
data: chunk.toString('base64'), // Send base64 encoded logs
logsStream.on('end', () => {
console.log(`[INFO] Log stream ended for container: ${parsedData.args.id}`);
logsStream.on('error', (err) => {
console.error(`[ERROR] Log stream error for container ${parsedData.args.id}: ${err.message}`);
peer.write(JSON.stringify({ error: `Log stream error: ${err.message}` }));
case 'duplicateContainer':
console.log('[INFO] Handling \'duplicateContainer\' command');
const { name, image, hostname, netmode, cpu, memory, config: dupConfig } = parsedData.args;
const memoryInMB = memory * 1024 * 1024;
console.log("MEMEMMEMEMEMEMEMEMMEME " + memoryInMB)
await duplicateContainer(name, image, hostname, netmode, cpu, memoryInMB, dupConfig, peer);
return; // Response is handled within the duplicateContainer function
case 'startContainer':
console.log(`[INFO] Handling 'startContainer' command for container: ${parsedData.args.id}`);
await docker.getContainer(parsedData.args.id).start();
response = { success: true, message: `Container ${parsedData.args.id} started` };
case 'stopContainer':
console.log(`[INFO] Handling 'stopContainer' command for container: ${parsedData.args.id}`);
await docker.getContainer(parsedData.args.id).stop();
response = { success: true, message: `Container ${parsedData.args.id} stopped` };
case 'restartContainer':
console.log(`[INFO] Handling 'restartContainer' command for container: ${parsedData.args.id}`);
await docker.getContainer(parsedData.args.id).restart();
response = { success: true, message: `Container ${parsedData.args.id} restarted` };
case 'removeContainer':
console.log(`[INFO] Handling 'removeContainer' command for container: ${parsedData.args.id}`);
await docker.getContainer(parsedData.args.id).remove({ force: true });
response = { success: true, message: `Container ${parsedData.args.id} removed` };
case 'deployContainer':
console.log('[INFO] Handling "deployContainer" command');
const { containerName, image: imageToDeploy, ports = [], volumes = [], env = [] } = parsedData.args;
try {
// Validate and sanitize container name
if (!containerName || typeof containerName !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Invalid or missing container name.');
// Ensure the name is alphanumeric with optional dashes/underscores
if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/.test(containerName)) {
throw new Error('Container name must be alphanumeric and may include dashes or underscores.');
// Validate and sanitize image
if (!imageToDeploy || typeof imageToDeploy !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Invalid or missing Docker image.');
// Validate and sanitize ports
const validPorts = ports.filter((port) => {
if (typeof port === 'string' && /^\d+\/(tcp|udp)$/.test(port)) {
return true;
} else {
console.warn(`[WARN] Invalid port entry skipped: ${port}`);
return false;
// Validate and sanitize volumes
const validVolumes = volumes.filter((volume) => {
if (typeof volume === 'string' && volume.includes(':')) {
return true;
} else {
console.warn(`[WARN] Invalid volume entry skipped: ${volume}`);
return false;
// Validate and sanitize environment variables
const validEnv = env
.map(({ name, value }) => {
if (name && value) {
return `${name}=${value}`;
} else {
console.warn(`[WARN] Invalid environment variable skipped: name=${name}, value=${value}`);
return null;
console.log(`[INFO] Pulling Docker image "${imageToDeploy}"`);
// Pull the Docker image
const pullStream = await docker.pull(imageToDeploy);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
docker.modem.followProgress(pullStream, (err) => (err ? reject(err) : resolve()));
console.log(`[INFO] Image "${imageToDeploy}" pulled successfully`);
// Configure container creation settings
const hostConfig = {
PortBindings: {},
Binds: validVolumes, // Use validated volumes in Docker's expected format
NetworkMode: 'bridge', // Set the network mode to bridge
validPorts.forEach((port) => {
const [containerPort, protocol] = port.split('/');
hostConfig.PortBindings[`${containerPort}/${protocol}`] = [{ HostPort: containerPort }];
// Create and start the container with a custom name
console.log('[INFO] Creating the container...');
const container = await docker.createContainer({
name: containerName, // Include the container name
Image: imageToDeploy,
Env: validEnv,
HostConfig: hostConfig,
console.log('[INFO] Starting the container...');
await container.start();
console.log(`[INFO] Container "${containerName}" deployed successfully from image "${imageToDeploy}"`);
// Respond with success message
success: true,
message: `Container "${containerName}" deployed successfully from image "${imageToDeploy}"`,
// Update all peers with the latest container list
const containers = await docker.listContainers({ all: true });
const update = { type: 'containers', data: containers };
for (const connectedPeer of connectedPeers) {
} catch (err) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to deploy container: ${err.message}`);
error: `Failed to deploy container: ${err.message}`,
case 'startTerminal':
console.log(`[INFO] Starting terminal for container: ${parsedData.args.containerId}`);
handleTerminal(parsedData.args.containerId, peer);
return; // No immediate response needed for streaming commands
case 'killTerminal':
console.log(`[INFO] Handling 'killTerminal' command for container: ${parsedData.args.containerId}`);
handleKillTerminal(parsedData.args.containerId, peer);
response = {
success: true,
message: `Terminal for container ${parsedData.args.containerId} killed`,
// console.warn(`[WARN] Unknown command: ${parsedData.command}`);
// response = { error: 'Unknown command' };
// Send response if one was generated
if (response) {
console.log(`[DEBUG] Sending response to peer: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to handle data from peer: ${err.message}`);
peer.write(JSON.stringify({ error: err.message }));
peer.on('error', (err) => {
console.error(`[ERROR] Peer connection error: ${err.message}`);
peer.on('close', () => {
console.log('[INFO] Peer disconnected');
// Clean up any terminal session associated with this peer
if (terminalSessions.has(peer)) {
const session = terminalSessions.get(peer);
console.log(`[INFO] Cleaning up terminal session for container: ${session.containerId}`);
peer.removeListener('data', session.onData);
// Helper function to handle peer cleanup
function cleanupPeer(peer) {
if (terminalSessions.has(peer)) {
const session = terminalSessions.get(peer);
console.log(`[INFO] Cleaning up terminal session for container: ${session.containerId}`);
peer.removeListener('data', session.onData);
// Function to duplicate a container
async function duplicateContainer(name, image, hostname, netmode, cpu, memory, config, peer) {
try {
// Remove non-essential fields from the configuration
const sanitizedConfig = { ...config };
delete sanitizedConfig.Id;
delete sanitizedConfig.State;
delete sanitizedConfig.Created;
delete sanitizedConfig.NetworkSettings;
delete sanitizedConfig.Mounts;
delete sanitizedConfig.Path;
delete sanitizedConfig.Args;
delete sanitizedConfig.Image;
delete sanitizedConfig.Hostname;
delete sanitizedConfig.CpuCount;
delete sanitizedConfig.Memory;
delete sanitizedConfig.CpuShares;
delete sanitizedConfig.CpusetCpus;
// Ensure the container has a unique name
const newName = name;
const existingContainers = await docker.listContainers({ all: true });
const nameExists = existingContainers.some(c => c.Names.includes(`/${newName}`));
if (nameExists) {
peer.write(JSON.stringify({ error: `Container name '${newName}' already exists.` }));
const cpusetCpus = Array.from({ length: cpu }, (_, i) => i).join(",");
const nanoCpus = cpu * 1e9;
// Create a new container with the provided configuration
const newContainer = await docker.createContainer({
...sanitizedConfig.Config, // General configuration
name: newName, // Container name
Hostname: hostname, // Hostname for the container
Image: image, // Container image
HostConfig: { // Host-specific configurations
CpusetCpus: cpusetCpus.toString(), // Number of CPUs
NanoCpus: nanoCpus, // Restrict CPU time (e.g., 4 cores = 4e9 nanoseconds)
Memory: Number(memory), // Memory limit in bytes
MemoryReservation: Number(memory), // Memory limit in bytes
NetworkMode: netmode.toString(), // Network mode
// Start the new container
await newContainer.start();
// Send success response to the requesting peer
peer.write(JSON.stringify({ success: true, message: `Container '${newName}' duplicated and started successfully.` }));
// Get the updated list of containers
const containers = await docker.listContainers({ all: true });
const update = { type: 'containers', data: containers };
// Broadcast the updated container list to all connected peers
for (const connectedPeer of connectedPeers) {
// Start streaming stats for the new container
const newContainerInfo = containers.find(c => c.Names.includes(`/${newName}`));
if (newContainerInfo) {
} catch (err) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to duplicate container: ${err.message}`);
peer.write(JSON.stringify({ error: `Failed to duplicate container: ${err.message}` }));
// Stream Docker events to all peers
docker.getEvents({}, (err, stream) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to get Docker events: ${err.message}`);
stream.on('data', async (chunk) => {
try {
const event = JSON.parse(chunk.toString());
if (event.status === "undefined") return
console.log(`[INFO] Docker event received: ${event.status} - ${event.id}`);
// Get updated container list and broadcast it to all connected peers
const containers = await docker.listContainers({ all: true });
const update = { type: 'containers', data: containers };
for (const peer of connectedPeers) {
} catch (err) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to process Docker event: ${err.message}`);
// Collect and stream container stats
docker.listContainers({ all: true }, async (err, containers) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to list containers for stats: ${err.message}`);
// Iterate over all containers
containers.forEach((containerInfo) => {
const container = docker.getContainer(containerInfo.Id);
// Use the same logic as listContainers to pre-inspect and extract the IP address
container.inspect((inspectErr, details) => {
let ipAddress = 'No IP Assigned'; // Default fallback
if (!inspectErr && details.NetworkSettings && details.NetworkSettings.Networks) {
const networks = Object.values(details.NetworkSettings.Networks);
if (networks.length > 0 && networks[0].IPAddress) {
ipAddress = networks[0].IPAddress; // Use the first network's IP
// Start streaming container stats
container.stats({ stream: true }, (statsErr, stream) => {
if (statsErr) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to get stats for container ${containerInfo.Id}: ${statsErr.message}`);
stream.on('data', (data) => {
try {
const stats = JSON.parse(data.toString());
const cpuUsage = calculateCPUPercent(stats);
const memoryUsage = stats.memory_stats.usage || 0; // Default to 0 if undefined
const statsData = {
id: containerInfo.Id,
cpu: cpuUsage,
memory: memoryUsage,
ip: ipAddress, // Use the pre-inspected IP address
// Broadcast stats to all connected peers
for (const peer of connectedPeers) {
peer.write(JSON.stringify({ type: 'stats', data: statsData }));
} catch (parseErr) {
// console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to parse stats for container ${containerInfo.Id}: ${parseErr.message}`);
stream.on('error', (streamErr) => {
// console.error(`[ERROR] Stats stream error for container ${containerInfo.Id}: ${streamErr.message}`);
stream.on('close', () => {
// console.log(`[INFO] Stats stream closed for container ${containerInfo.Id}`);
// Function to calculate CPU usage percentage
function calculateCPUPercent(stats) {
const cpuDelta = stats.cpu_stats.cpu_usage.total_usage - stats.precpu_stats.cpu_usage.total_usage;
const systemDelta = stats.cpu_stats.system_cpu_usage - stats.precpu_stats.system_cpu_usage;
const cpuCount = stats.cpu_stats.online_cpus || stats.cpu_stats.cpu_usage.percpu_usage.length;
if (systemDelta > 0.0 && cpuDelta > 0.0) {
return (cpuDelta / systemDelta) * cpuCount * 100.0;
return 0.0;
// Function to handle terminal sessions
// Function to handle terminal sessions
async function handleTerminal(containerId, peer) {
const container = docker.getContainer(containerId);
try {
const exec = await container.exec({
Cmd: ['/bin/bash'],
AttachStdin: true,
AttachStdout: true,
AttachStderr: true,
Tty: true,
const stream = await exec.start({ hijack: true, stdin: true });
console.log(`[INFO] Terminal session started for container: ${containerId}`);
const stdout = new PassThrough();
const stderr = new PassThrough();
container.modem.demuxStream(stream, stdout, stderr);
const onData = (input) => {
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(input.toString());
if (parsed.type === 'terminalInput' && parsed.data) {
const inputData = parsed.encoding === 'base64'
? Buffer.from(parsed.data, 'base64')
: Buffer.from(parsed.data);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to parse terminal input: ${err.message}`);
peer.on('data', onData);
terminalSessions.set(peer, { containerId, exec, stream, onData });
stdout.on('data', (chunk) => {
type: 'terminalOutput',
data: chunk.toString('base64'),
encoding: 'base64',
stderr.on('data', (chunk) => {
type: 'terminalErrorOutput',
data: chunk.toString('base64'),
encoding: 'base64',
peer.on('close', () => {
console.log(`[INFO] Peer disconnected, ending terminal session for container: ${containerId}`);
peer.removeListener('data', onData);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to start terminal for container ${containerId}: ${err.message}`);
peer.write(JSON.stringify({ error: `Failed to start terminal: ${err.message}` }));
// Function to handle killing terminal sessions
function handleKillTerminal(containerId, peer) {
const session = terminalSessions.get(peer);
if (session && session.containerId === containerId) {
console.log(`[INFO] Killing terminal session for container: ${containerId}`);
// Close the stream and exec session
// Remove the specific 'data' event listener for terminal input
peer.removeListener('data', session.onData);
console.log(`[INFO] Terminal session for container ${containerId} terminated`);
} else {
console.warn(`[WARN] No terminal session found for container: ${containerId}`);
function streamContainerStats(containerInfo) {
const container = docker.getContainer(containerInfo.Id);
// Use the same logic as listContainers to get the IP address
container.inspect((inspectErr, details) => {
let ipAddress = 'No IP Assigned'; // Default IP address fallback
if (inspectErr) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to inspect container ${containerInfo.Id}: ${inspectErr.message}`);
} else if (details.NetworkSettings && details.NetworkSettings.Networks) {
const networks = Object.values(details.NetworkSettings.Networks);
if (networks.length > 0 && networks[0].IPAddress) {
ipAddress = networks[0].IPAddress; // Retrieve the first network's IP address
// Start streaming container stats
container.stats({ stream: true }, (statsErr, stream) => {
if (statsErr) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to get stats for container ${containerInfo.Id}: ${statsErr.message}`);
stream.on('data', (data) => {
try {
const stats = JSON.parse(data.toString());
const cpuUsage = calculateCPUPercent(stats);
const memoryUsage = stats.memory_stats.usage || 0; // Default to 0 if undefined
// Use the extracted IP address in the stats data
const statsData = {
id: containerInfo.Id,
cpu: cpuUsage,
memory: memoryUsage,
ip: ipAddress, // Use the IP address retrieved during inspection
// Broadcast stats to all connected peers
for (const peer of connectedPeers) {
peer.write(JSON.stringify({ type: 'stats', data: statsData }));
} catch (parseErr) {
console.error(`[ERROR] Failed to parse stats for container ${containerInfo.Id}: ${parseErr.message}`);
stream.on('error', (streamErr) => {
console.error(`[ERROR] Stats stream error for container ${containerInfo.Id}: ${streamErr.message}`);
stream.on('close', () => {
console.log(`[INFO] Stats stream closed for container ${containerInfo.Id}`);
// Handle process termination
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
console.log('[INFO] Server shutting down');
}); |