A Comprehensive Look into Middleware Backend Server and Discord Bot Integration # Source Code ## https://git.ssh.surf/snxraven/rayai ## Introduction In this article, we will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the setup and configuration of a home-hosted AI infrastructure. This system is composed of a middleware backend server and a Discord bot, designed to handle chat interactions, manage conversations, integrate plugins, and execute core service management. The infrastructure is built using **Express.js** and includes a range of plugins for enhanced functionality such as IP detection, content scraping, and handling Minecraft server requests. The server integrates with Discord, allowing users to interact with the system through specified channels. This article will detail each component and explain the workflow. ## Overview The home-hosted AI infrastructure is composed of a **backend server** built using **Express.js** and a **Discord bot** powered by **Discord.js**. The server handles various chat-related APIs, processes HTTP requests, and manages plugins for tasks like IP detection, web scraping, and random user generation. The Discord bot interacts with the backend, forwarding user messages and executing commands such as resetting conversations and restarting core services. ### Key Components: - **Express.js**: Powers the web server for handling requests and responses. - **Axios**: Sends HTTP requests to external APIs. - **Cheerio**: Scrapes and parses HTML content. - **Llama-Tokenizer**: Tokenizes text for conversation management. - **Google-It**: Searches Google and scrapes results for user queries. - **Discord.js**: Powers the bot for interacting with Discord channels. ## Environment Configuration The system is configured using environment variables, which are loaded using the **dotenv** package. These variables manage sensitive data such as API keys and tokens, as well as server paths and configuration settings. ### Example Environment Variables: - **PROMPT**: Initial system prompt for conversation history. - **ABUSE_KEY**: API key for IP abuse detection using AbuseIPDB. - **API_KEY**: API key for My-MC.link services. - **PATH_KEY**: Path key for accessing My-MC.link services. - **THE_TOKEN**: Discord bot token for authentication. - **CHANNEL_IDS**: List of Discord channel IDs where the bot is active. - **ROOT_IP**: IP address of the backend server. - **ROOT_PORT**: Port for backend server communication. - **MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH**: Maximum length for scraped web page content. ### Example `.env` File: ```bash PROMPT="Welcome to the AI system" ABUSE_KEY="your-abuse-ipdb-key" API_KEY="your-my-mc-link-api-key" PATH_KEY="your-my-mc-link-path-key" THE_TOKEN="your-discord-bot-token" CHANNEL_IDS="channel1,channel2" ROOT_IP="" ROOT_PORT=3000 MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH=2000 ``` ## Server Setup The backend server is built using **Express.js** and is designed to handle multiple API endpoints related to chat interactions, conversation management, and core service control. The server makes use of **middlewares** for handling CORS, parsing JSON requests, and tracking conversation history based on client IP addresses. ### Middleware Configuration: 1. **CORS**: Allows requests from all origins and specific headers. 2. **Body-Parser**: Parses incoming JSON request bodies. 3. **Conversation History**: Middleware that tracks conversation history based on client IP addresses. ```javascript app.use(cors({ origin: '*', allowedHeaders: ['Content-Type', 'x-forwarded-for-id', 'x-forwarded-for-name'] })); app.use(bodyParser.json()); ``` The server tracks each conversation using the client's IP address, initializing a new conversation history if one doesn't already exist. ```javascript app.use((req, res, next) => { const ip = req.headers['x-forwarded-for-id'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.ip; if (!conversationHistory[ip]) { conversationHistory[ip] = [{ role: 'system', content: process.env.PROMPT }]; } next(); }); ``` ## Helper Functions The server relies on several utility functions for timestamp generation, token counting, and web scraping. These functions help manage conversation history, enforce token limits, and gather content from external websites. ### `getTimestamp` Generates a timestamp for logging purposes, in the format `MM/DD/YYYY [HH:MM:SS AM/PM]`. ```javascript const getTimestamp = () => { const now = new Date(); const date = now.toLocaleDateString('en-US'); const time = now.toLocaleTimeString('en-US'); return `${date} [${time}]`; }; ``` ### `countLlamaTokens` Counts the number of tokens in the conversation using the **Llama-Tokenizer** library. ```javascript function countLlamaTokens(messages) { let totalTokens = 0; for (const message of messages) { totalTokens += llamaTokenizer.encode(message.content).length; } return totalTokens; } ``` ### `scrapeWebPage` Uses **Cheerio** to scrape and parse web pages, extracting the title, meta description, and body content. ```javascript async function scrapeWebPage(url, length = 2000) { const res = await fetch(url); const html = await res.text(); const $ = cheerio.load(html); const title = $('head title').text().trim(); const description = $('meta[name="description"]').attr('content'); const content = $('body').text().trim(); return { title, description, content: content.substring(0, length) }; } ``` ## API Endpoints The backend server exposes several API endpoints for handling chat interactions, restarting core services, resetting conversation history, and fetching conversation history. ### `/api/v1/chat` Handles chat requests, logs user messages, updates the conversation history, and interacts with the **Llama API** to generate responses. ```javascript app.post('/api/v1/chat', async (req, res) => { const ip = req.clientIp; const userMessage = req.body.message; conversationHistory[ip].push({ role: 'user', content: userMessage }); const response = await llamaAPIRequest(conversationHistory[ip]); res.json(response); }); ``` ### `/api/v1/restart-core` Restarts the core service using a Docker command and returns the result of the operation. ```javascript app.post('/api/v1/restart-core', (req, res) => { cmd('docker restart llama-gpu-server') .then(out => res.json(out.stdout)) .catch(err => res.status(500).json({ message: "Error restarting core" })); }); ``` ### `/api/v1/reset-conversation` Resets the conversation history for the client based on their IP address. ```javascript app.post('/api/v1/reset-conversation', (req, res) => { conversationHistory[req.clientIp] = [{ role: 'system', content: process.env.PROMPT }]; res.json({ message: "Conversation history reset" }); }); ``` ## Plugin Handling The system uses various plugins to enhance functionality. Each plugin performs a specific task such as IP address detection, web scraping, or fetching random user data. ### IP Plugin: Checks IP addresses against the **AbuseIPDB** to detect malicious activity. ### URL Plugin: Scrapes content from URLs using **Cheerio** and adds it to the conversation history. ### New Person Plugin: Fetches random user data from an external API to simulate interaction with new individuals. ### What Servers Plugin: Fetches Minecraft server information from the **My-MC.link** platform. ## Error Handling and Logging The server includes robust error handling and logging mechanisms that provide detailed information on request processing times, potential errors, and system status. ```javascript app.use((err, req, res, next) => { console.error(`${getTimestamp()} Error: ${err.message}`); res.status(500).json({ message: "An error occurred", error: err.message }); }); ``` ## Discord Bot Integration The Discord bot integrates with the backend to allow users to interact with the AI system via specific Discord channels. The bot is built using **Discord.js** and listens for messages, processes commands, and forwards user input to the backend server for processing. ### Client Initialization The bot initializes a Discord client with the appropriate intents to listen for guild messages and message content. ```javascript const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent] }); ``` ### Command Handling The bot listens for specific commands such as `!reset` to reset the conversation and `!restartCore` to restart the core service. ```javascript client.on('messageCreate', async message => { if (message.content === '!reset') { await resetConversation(message); } else if (message.content === '!restartCore') { await restartCore(message); } else { await handleUserMessage(message); } }); ``` ### Handling Long Messages If the response from the backend exceeds Discord’s message length limit, the bot splits the message into smaller chunks and sends them sequentially. ```javascript async function sendLongMessage(message, responseText) { const limit = 8096; if (responseText.length > limit) { const chunks = splitIntoChunks(responseText, limit); for (let chunk of chunks) await message.channel.send(chunk); } else { await message.channel.send(responseText); } } ``` ## How to Run the Server and Bot 1. **Clone the Repository**: Clone the server and bot code to your project directory. 2. **Install Dependencies**: ```bash npm install express body-parser cmd-promise cors cheerio llama-tokenizer-js google-it discord.js axios dotenv ``` 3. **Configure Environment Variables**: Create a `.env` file in the root directory and populate it with the required environment variables. 4. **Run the Server**: ```bash node backend-server.js ``` 5. **Run the Discord Bot**: ```bash node discord-bot.js ``` # Browser Chat Client for x64.world AI: Integration ## Avalible at: https://chat.x64.world/ ## Introduction This section of the article explains the functionality of the **x64.world** browser chat client, which provides an interactive front-end for users to communicate with the AI backend. The client uses a web-based interface where users can type messages, receive AI-generated responses, and view real-time system statistics like CPU and GPU usage. It is built using HTML, JavaScript, and integrates with external APIs to fetch and display system metrics. This guide will break down each component of the chat client and explain its role in delivering a seamless user experience. ## Overview The **x64.world** chat client is designed to provide a simple and interactive interface where users can chat with an AI system powered by a custom backend. It displays system statistics, handles chat inputs, and shows responses from the AI. The client uses **Bootstrap** for styling, **highlight.js** for syntax highlighting, and **Marked.js** for rendering Markdown content. The JavaScript behind the chat client is responsible for sending user messages to the backend, updating the user interface with new messages, fetching system metrics, and handling themes. ## UI Design The chat client’s user interface consists of several key sections: - **Header**: Displays system information, including OS version, kernel, CPU, GPU, and memory details. - **Stats Section**: Displays real-time statistics such as CPU usage, system RAM, GPU chip and VRAM usage, power draw, and network usage. - **Chat Section**: Displays user and AI messages, with Markdown formatting and syntax highlighting for code blocks. It includes an input field for sending messages, and buttons to reset conversation, toggle themes, and ask random questions. ### HTML Structure: ```html