const blessed = require('neo-blessed'); const Hyperswarm = require('hyperswarm'); const crypto = require('hypercore-crypto'); const b4a = require('b4a'); const readline = require('readline'); const fs = require("fs"); const commands = ['login', 'exec', 'stop', 'start', 'restart', 'stats', 'cd', 'AI']; const commandModules = {}; for (const command of commands) { commandModules[command] = require(`./commands/${command}`); } const USERPWD = '/'; const DAPI_KEY = ''; const LOGGEDIN = false; const MYKEY = []; const conns = []; const connectedUsers = new Map(); const USERNAME = ['annon']; const screen = blessed.screen({ smartCSR: true, fastCSR: true }); let mainBox ={ parent: screen, top: 0, left: 0, width: '80%', height: '80%', border: { type: 'line' }, style: { fg: 'white', bg: 'black' }, keys: true, vi: true, alwaysScroll: true, scrollable: true, scrollbar: { style: { bg: 'yellow' } } }); async function updateScroll() { mainBox.scrollTo(mainBox.getScrollHeight()); } // Create the STDIN box for chat input and command input const stdinBox = blessed.textbox({ bottom: '0', left: '0', width: '80%', height: '21%', border: { type: 'line' }, style: { fg: 'white', bg: 'black', border: { fg: '#f0f0f0' }, }, inputOnFocus: true, input: true }); // Create the sidebar box for connected peers const sidebarBox ={ top: '0', right: '0', width: '20%', height: '100%', content: '', border: { type: 'line' }, style: { fg: 'white', bg: 'black', border: { fg: '#f0f0f0' }, } }); const handleUser = (user, peerId) => { if (connectedUsers.has(peerId)) { connectedUsers.delete(peerId); } else { connectedUsers.set(peerId, user); } sidebarBox.setContent("Connected Peers: \n" + [...connectedUsers].map(([peerId, user]) => `${user} - ${peerId}`).join("\n")); screen.render(); } // Generate the keys const myKey = crypto.keyPair() const myId = crypto.randomBytes(32) MYKEY.push(myId) // Create a new Hyperswarm instance const swarm = new Hyperswarm() // Join the chat room swarm.join(myId, { announce: true, lookup: true }) swarm.on('connection', (socket, details) => { console.log("Incoming Connection!") console.log("Peer ID: " + details.peer.toString('hex')) conns.push(socket) // Request username socket.write("Please enter a username: ") let data = '' socket.on('data', async (d) => { data += d.toString() if (data.endsWith('\n')) { // handle the data const [command, ...args] = data.split(' '); if (command === 'username') { const peerId = details.peer.toString('hex'); const user = args.join(' ').trim(); handleUser(user, peerId); socket.write("Welcome " + user + "!\n") } else if (commandModules[command]) { commandModules[command].execute(args, socket); } else { socket.write("Unknown command.\n"); } data = ''; } }); socket.on('close', () => { console.log("Closing Connection!") conns = conns.filter(conn => conn !== socket); }); }); stdinBox.on('submit', (data) => { const [command, ...args] = data.split(' '); if (commandModules[command]) { commandModules[command].execute(args); } else { console.log("Unknown command."); } }); stdinBox.key('C-c', () => process.exit(0)); screen.append(mainBox); screen.append(stdinBox); screen.append(sidebarBox); stdinBox.focus() screen.key(['escape', 'q', 'C-c'], (ch, key) => { return process.exit(0); }); screen.render();