const Discord = require('discord.js'); const Hyperswarm = require('hyperswarm'); const crypto = require('hypercore-crypto'); const { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials, messageLink } = require("discord.js"); const goodbye = require('graceful-goodbye') require('dotenv').config() const b4a = require('b4a') function sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } const client = new Client({ 'intents': [ GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildBans, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages ], 'partials': [Partials.Channel, Partials.Message, Partials.MessageContent] }); const topicMap = new Map(); const swarmMap = new Map(); client.on('ready', () => { console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`); }); client.on('messageCreate', msg => { if (msg.content.startsWith("!") && ! { const args = msg.content.split(" "); const cmd = args.shift().slice(1); if (cmd === "current") { if (topicMap.has( { let topic_obj = topicMap.get(; msg.reply(`The current topic for this channel is: ${topic_obj.topic.toString('hex')}`); } else { msg.reply(`No topic is assigned for this channel`); } } if (cmd === "join-topic") { if (!args[0]) { msg.reply("Please provide a new topic in hexadecimal format"); return; } let topic = crypto.randomBytes(32); let channel_id = args[1]; if (!channel_id) { msg.reply("Please provide a channel_id to send this topic's messages") return; } //Check if the given channel_id exists or not. if (!client.channels.cache.get(channel_id)) { msg.reply("The provided channel id does not exist."); return; } let swarm; let conns = []; if (topicMap.has(channel_id)) { topic_obj = topicMap.get(channel_id); swarm = topic_obj.swarm; conns = topic_obj.conns; } else { swarm = new Hyperswarm(); topicMap.set(channel_id, { topic: topic, swarm: swarm, conns: conns }); // Join the new topic swarm.join(topic, { lookup: true, announce: true, timeout: 60000 }); swarm.on('connection', (conn, info) => { console.log(`Connected to a peer`); conns.push(conn); conn.on('data', data => { // Send the message from the topic to the Discord channel client.channels.fetch(channel_id).then(channel => channel.send(data.toString())) }); conn.on('close', () => clearInterval(checkInactiveInterval)) }); client.channels.fetch(channel_id).then(channel => { msg.reply(`Successfully joined topic and sending messages to ${channel}`); }); } } if (cmd === "set") { let channel_id =; //Check if the given channel_id exists or not. if (!client.channels.cache.get(channel_id)) { msg.reply("The provided channel id does not exist."); return; } let topic = crypto.randomBytes(32); let swarm; let conns = []; if (topicMap.has(channel_id)) { topic_obj = topicMap.get(channel_id); conns = topic_obj.conns; } else { topicMap.set(channel_id, { topic: topic, conns: conns }); } if (!swarmMap.has(topic)) { swarm = new Hyperswarm(); swarmMap.set(topic, swarm); // Join the new topic swarm.join(topic, { lookup: true, announce: true, timeout: 60000 }); swarm.on('connection', (conn, info) => { console.log(`Connected to a peer for topic ${topic.toString('hex')}`); conns.push(conn); conn.on('data', data => { console.log(data.toString()) if (data.toString().startsWith('CLOSED:')) { // Extract the key from the message string const key = data.toString().split(':')[1].trim(); // Iterate through the conns array and remove the client with the matching key console.log(`Removing peer ${key}`); (async () => { await sleep(5000) conns = conns.filter(c => c !== conn); conn.destroy(); })(); } else { if (data.toString().includes(">")) return if (!data.toString().startsWith("anon")){ let split = data.toString().split(":") console.log(split[0]) let dUser = client.users.fetch(split[0]); dUser.then(function (result) { console.log(split) client.channels.fetch(channel_id).then(channel => channel.send(`${result.username}: ${split[1]}`)) }); } else { client.channels.fetch(channel_id).then(channel => channel.send(data.toString())) } } }); }); client.channels.fetch(channel_id).then(channel => { msg.reply(`Successfully joined topic and sending messages to ${channel}`); }); } else { swarm = swarmMap.get(topic); swarm.join(topic, { lookup: true, announce: true, timeout: 60000 }); client.channels.fetch(channel_id).then(channel => { msg.reply(`Successfully joined topic and sending messages to ${channel}`); }); } } if (cmd === "leave-topic") { let channel_id =; let topic_obj = topicMap.get(channel_id); if (topic_obj) { topic_obj.swarm.leave(topic_obj.topic); topicMap.delete(channel_id); return msg.reply(`Successfully left topic ${topic_obj.topic.toString('hex')} for channel ${channel_id}`); } else { return msg.reply(`No topic is assigned for this channel`); } } } // Check if message is sent in a channel with a topic assigned and send it to the topic if (topicMap.has( && ! { let topic_obj = topicMap.get(; let conns = topic_obj.conns; for (const conn of conns) { conn.write(`${}(Discord): ${msg.content}`); } } }); client.login(process.env.TOKEN);