# A bot that counts that counts how many the letters where used in messages. It also reacts to the messages that have the letters in it. --- The configuration is based on a `.env` file. See the example.env file for the configuration options. It is currently only based on the cloud version of mongodb. This bot is based on [shrimpBot](https://github.com/numselli/shrimpBot). Converted the DB from postgres to mongodb. Use the following command to initialize the database. `node dbinit.js` It will create the needed collection and document and return it in the console output. If you want to run it yourself, use the output of _id for the search and update operation. The following part is needed for this "6448db015eed6ed191ef61a1" (This is offcourse an example, yours will be different.) Structure: **commands** - This folder contains commands **event** - This folder contains files related to discord.js events. (Like "ready", "interactionCreate") **handler** - This folder contains files that read the commands folders contents. **models** - This folder contains files related to the database models. (Like "wolfcount") **index.js** - This is the main file to run the bot. 1) Use ```npm i ``` 2) Create a .env file ``` touch .env``` or ``` cp example.env .env ``` 3) Edit .env ``` # BASIC BOT INFO TOKEN= #Mongodb MONGODBUSER= MONGODBPASS= MONGODBCLUSTER= DATABASE= #Webstuff PORT= ``` 4) Go to Handler -- > index.js and change "GUIDIDHERE" to your Discord Server's Guild ID for guild only commands. 5) Go into https://discord.com/developers/applications and enable Privileged Message Intent (If your bot is in more that 100 guilds this requires verification and approval of Discord.). 6) Run the bot ```node index.js``` Want to make this better? Issue a pull request!