2023-03-25 19:09:44 +02:00

39 lines
858 B

# rAI - Serge Discord Bot
This readme is incomplete.
Message intents are NOT supported in this bot, this is due to the verification that Discord is enabling.
**commands** - This folder contains commands
**event** - This folder contains files related to discord.js events. (Like "ready", "interactionCreate")
**handler** - This folder contains files that read the commands folders contents.
**index.js** - This is the main file to run the bot.
1) Use ```npm i ```
2) Create a .env file ``` touch .env```
3) Edit .env
TOKEN = token
4) Go to Handler -- > index.js and change "GUIDIDHERE" to your Discord Server's Guild ID
5) Go into https://discord.com/developers/applications and enable Privileged Intents.
6) Run the bot ```node index.js```
Want to make this better? Issue a pull request!