- [Clerk](https://clerk.com/): Used for user authentication.
- [Liveblocks](https://liveblocks.io/): Used for collaborative editing.
- [E2B](https://e2b.dev/): Used for the terminals and live preview.
- [Cloudflare](https://www.cloudflare.com/): Used for relational data storage (D2) and file storage (R2).
A quick overview of the tech before we start: The deployment uses a **NextJS** app for the frontend and an **ExpressJS** server on the backend. Presumably that's because NextJS integrates well with Clerk middleware but not with Socket.io.
The steps above do not include steps to setup [Dokku](https://github.com/dokku/dokku), which is required for deployments.
**Note:** This is completely optional to set up if you just want to run GitWit Sandbox.
Setting up deployments first requires a separate domain (such as gitwit.app, which we use).
We then deploy Dokku on a separate server, according to this guide: https://dev.to/jamesmurdza/host-your-own-paas-platform-as-a-service-on-amazon-web-services-3f0d
The Sandbox platform connects to the Dokku server via SSH, using SSH keys specifically generated for this connection. The SSH key is stored on the Sandbox server, and the following environment variables are set in /backend/server/.env:
Anyone can contribute a custom template for integration in Sandbox. Since Sandbox is built on E2B, there is no limitation to what langauge or runtime a Sandbox can use.
To create your own template, you can fork one of the above templates or start with a new blank repository. The template should have at least an `e2b.Dockerfile`, which is used by E2B to create the development environment. Optionally, a `Dockerfile` can be added which will be used to create the project build when it is deployed.
To test the template, you must have an [E2B account](https://e2b.dev/) and the [E2B CLI tools](https://e2b.dev/docs/cli) installed. Then, in the Terminal, run:
e2b auth login
Then, navigate to your template directory and run the following command where **TEMPLATENAME** is the name of your template:
You will see a URL in the form of `https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.e2b-staging.com`.
Now, run the command to start your development server.
To see the running server, visit the public url `https://<PORT>-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.e2b-staging.com`.
If you've done this and it works, let us know and we'll add your template to Sandbox! Please reach out to us [on Discord](https://discord.gitwit.dev/) with any questions or to submit your working template.
Note: In the future, we will add a way to specify the command triggered by the "Run" button (e.g. "npm run dev").
Thanks for your interest in contributing! Review this section before submitting your first pull request. If you need any help, feel free contact us [on Discord](https://discord.gitwit.dev/).
This repository uses [Prettier](https://marketplace.cursorapi.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode) for code formatting, which you will be prompted to install when you open the project. The formatting rules are specified in [.prettierrc](.prettierrc).