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2024-10-03 18:10:59 -04:00
# Discord Bot with Slash Commands and Modals
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This project is a fully-featured Discord bot written in Node.js, using the `discord.js` library. It includes functionalities like handling slash commands, context menu commands, and displaying modals for user input.
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## Features
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- **Slash Commands**: Commands that can be triggered using `/` in Discord, like `/ping` to check bot latency.
- **Modals**: Interactive modals where users can input data, for example, `/modal-example` .
- **Context Menu Commands**: Right-click context menu commands for users or messages.
- **Ephemeral Replies**: Ability to send private, ephemeral replies to users.
- **Dynamic Command Registration**: Automatically registers commands based on the project directory structure.
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## Installation
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### Prerequisites
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Ensure you have the following installed:
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- [Node.js ](https://nodejs.org/ ) (v16.6.0 or higher)
- [Discord.js ](https://discord.js.org/ ) (v14.x)
- A Discord Bot Token (see [here ](https://discord.com/developers/docs/getting-started#configuring-your-bot ) for instructions)
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### Clone the Repository
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git clone https://git.ssh.surf/snxraven/DiscordJS-v14-Template.git
cd DiscordJS-v14-Template
### Install Dependencies
npm install
### Environment Variables
Create a `.env` file in the root of your project directory with the following content:
Replace `YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN` with your actual bot token from the Discord Developer Portal.
## File Structure
- `index.js` : The entry point of the bot that initializes the client and loads commands and events.
- `handler/index.js` : Dynamically loads commands and events and registers slash commands with Discord.
- `events/` : Folder containing event listeners such as `ready.js` (bot ready event) and `interactionCreate.js` (command handling).
- `commands/` : Folder containing command files. Commands are organized into subfolders based on category.
- `commands/info/` : Contains commands like `/ping` and `/modal-example` .
- `commands/context/` : Contains context menu commands like `ping-test` .
### Commands
- `ping` : Returns the bot's websocket latency with an ephemeral reply.
- `modal-example` : Displays a modal for user input.
- `ping-test` : A context menu command that returns latency when right-clicking a message.
## Running the Bot
To start the bot, run:
node index.js
If everything is set up correctly, you should see the following message:
YourBotName is up and ready to go!
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The bot will automatically register slash commands for every guild it's in.
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## Command Examples
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### Slash Command: `/ping`
Returns the bot's websocket latency in an embed message.
### Slash Command: `/modal-example`
Opens a modal where users can input text, which is then displayed back to them.
### Context Menu Command: `ping-test`
Available by right-clicking a message and choosing this context command. It shows the bot's latency.
## Adding New Commands
To add a new command:
1. Create a new `.js` file in the `commands/` folder under the appropriate subfolder.
2. Define your command with the structure used in the existing commands.
3. Restart the bot to automatically load the new command.
Example command structure:
module.exports = {
name: "new-command",
description: "Describe your command here",
run: async (client, interaction) => {
// Command logic
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## Modals
The bot supports modals for user input. To add a new modal, create a new command in the `commands/` folder and use the `ModalBuilder` from `discord.js` to display a modal.
Example modal code:
const { ModalBuilder, TextInputBuilder, TextInputStyle } = require('discord.js');
const { ActionRowBuilder } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
name: "modal-example",
description: "Show a demo modal!",
run: async (client, interaction) => {
const modal = new ModalBuilder()
.setTitle('Example Modal');
const input = new TextInputBuilder()
.setLabel("Your Input")
const row = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(input);
await interaction.showModal(modal);
## Handling Ephemeral Replies
Commands can return ephemeral (private) responses, making replies visible only to the command invoker. To enable ephemeral replies, add a `private` property to the command definition:
module.exports = {
name: "ping",
description: "Returns latency",
private: true, // This makes the reply private
run: async (client, interaction) => {
// Command logic here
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## Events
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The bot listens for two primary events:
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- `ready` : Triggered when the bot is logged in and ready.
- `interactionCreate` : Triggered when a user interacts with the bot through slash commands, modals, or context menu commands.
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## Troubleshooting
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- Ensure you have the correct bot token in your `.env` file.
- Make sure your bot has the necessary permissions to register commands in the guilds it's in.
- If commands aren’ t registering, try manually clearing the commands in the Discord Developer Portal or use `guild-specific` commands to speed up testing.