better stat tracking

This commit is contained in:
Raven Scott 2024-11-30 03:08:13 -05:00
parent 1dc39decf7
commit b8c6f30d32

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@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ window.openTerminals = {};
let activePeer = null;
window.activePeer = null; // Expose to other modules
let statsInterval = null; // Global variable to hold the interval
let statsInterval = null;
let lastStatsUpdate =;
function stopStatsInterval() {
if (statsInterval) {
@ -31,21 +31,31 @@ function stopStatsInterval() {
function startStatsInterval() {
// Clear any existing interval
if (statsInterval) {
// Start a new interval to request stats every second
statsInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (window.activePeer) {
console.log('[INFO] Requesting container stats...');
sendCommand('stats', {}); // Adjust the command if specific arguments are needed
const now =;
if (now - lastStatsUpdate >= 500) { // Ensure at least 500ms between updates
sendCommand('stats', {}); // Adjust command if necessary
lastStatsUpdate = now;
} else {
console.warn('[WARN] No active peer; skipping stats request.');
}, 1000); // 1 second interval
}, 100); // Poll every 100ms for better reactivity
let smoothedStats = { cpu: 0, memory: 0 };
function smoothStats(newStats, smoothingFactor = 0.2) {
smoothedStats.cpu = smoothedStats.cpu * (1 - smoothingFactor) + newStats.cpu * smoothingFactor;
smoothedStats.memory = smoothedStats.memory * (1 - smoothingFactor) + newStats.memory * smoothingFactor;
return smoothedStats;
function refreshContainerStats() {
@ -346,6 +356,7 @@ function addConnection(topicHex) {
disconnectConnection(topicId, connectionItem);
@ -769,31 +780,35 @@ function addActionListeners(row, container) {
// Function to update container statistics
function updateContainerStats(stats) {
console.log(`[DEBUG] Updating stats for container ID: ${}, Topic ID: ${stats.topicId}`);
function updateStatsUI(row, stats) {
requestIdleCallback(() => {
row.querySelector('.cpu').textContent = stats.cpu.toFixed(2) || '0.00';
row.querySelector('.memory').textContent = (stats.memory / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2) || '0.00';
row.querySelector('.ip-address').textContent = stats.ip || 'No IP Assigned';
function updateContainerStats(stats) {
// console.log(`[DEBUG] Updating stats for container ID: ${}, Topic ID: ${stats.topicId}`);
// Ensure stats belong to the active connection
if (!window.activePeer || !connections[stats.topicId] || window.activePeer !== connections[stats.topicId].peer) {
console.warn(`[WARN] Stats received for inactive or unknown connection. Skipping.`);
// console.warn(`[WARN] Stats received for inactive or unknown connection. Skipping.`);
// Find the row for the container by its ID
const row = containerList.querySelector(`tr[data-container-id="${}"]`);
if (!row) {
console.warn(`[WARN] No matching row for container ID: ${}. Skipping stats update.`);
// console.warn(`[WARN] No matching row for container ID: ${}. Skipping stats update.`);
// Update the container statistics in the UI
row.querySelector('.cpu').textContent = stats.cpu.toFixed(2) || '0.00';
row.querySelector('.memory').textContent = (stats.memory / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2) || '0.00';
row.querySelector('.ip-address').textContent = stats.ip || 'No IP Assigned';
// Use updateStatsUI for cleaner and optimized DOM updates
updateStatsUI(row, stats);
// Function to open the Duplicate Modal with container configurations
function openDuplicateModal(container) {
console.log(`[INFO] Opening Duplicate Modal for container: ${container.Id}`);