adding cd

This commit is contained in:
raven 2023-01-08 22:59:49 -05:00
parent e279f57be0
commit b8f039cb9e
1 changed files with 94 additions and 69 deletions

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ goodbye(() => swarm.destroy())
// Keep track of all connections and USERNAMEs
const conns = []
const names = {}
let USERPWD = "/"
let DAPI_KEY = {}
let USERNAME = "annon" + rand
let LOGGEDIN = false
@ -35,45 +36,55 @@ async function getUSERNAME(key) {
return requestUSERNAME.body.message.replace("Hello, ", "").replace("!", "")
async function runCMD(key, cmd, pwd){
async function runCMD(key, cmd, pwd) {
let requestData = await unirest
.headers({'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-discord-linux-auth': key})
.send({"cmd": cmd, "pwd": pwd})
'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-discord-linux-auth': key
.send({ "cmd": cmd, "pwd": pwd })
return requestData.body.stdout
async function startContainer(key){
async function startContainer(key) {
let startContainer = await unirest
.headers({'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-discord-linux-auth': key})
'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-discord-linux-auth': key
return startContainer.body.completed
async function stopContainer(key){
async function stopContainer(key) {
let stopContainer = await unirest
.headers({'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-discord-linux-auth': key})
'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-discord-linux-auth': key
return stopContainer.body.completed
async function restartContainer(key){
async function restartContainer(key) {
let restartContainer = await unirest
.headers({'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-discord-linux-auth': key})
'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-discord-linux-auth': key
return restartContainer.body.completed
async function getStats(key){
async function getStats(key) {
let getStats = await unirest
.headers({'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-discord-linux-auth': key})
'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-discord-linux-auth': key
@ -112,69 +123,83 @@ rl.on('line', input => {
conn.write(`${USERNAME} has logged in!`)
console.log(`Weclcome ${USERNAME} you are now logged in!`)
console.log(`Welcome ${USERNAME} you are now logged in!`)
return LOGGEDIN = true
const changeDir = input.startsWith(">cd") || input.startsWith("> cd")
if (changeDir) {
const commandArgs = input.replace("> cd ", "").replace(">cd", "").replace(" ", "")
if (commandArgs.startsWith("/")) {
USERPWD = commandArgs;
console.log("Directory Changed to: " + USERPWD)
} else {
USERPWD = USERPWD + "/" + commandArgs;
console.log("Directory Changed to: " + USERPWD)
const execute = input.startsWith(">")
if (execute) {
let inputdata = input.split(2)
const cmdToRun = inputdata.join(" ").replace("> ", "").replace(">","")
const cmdToRun = inputdata.join(" ").replace("> ", "").replace(">", "")
if (cmdToRun.includes("cd")) return
runCMD(DAPI_KEY.key, cmdToRun, "/").then((data) => {
for (const conn of conns) {
conn.write(`${USERNAME} ran ${cmdToRun}: \n` + data)
const start = input.match(/^\/start (\S+)$/)
if (start) {
const start = input.match(/^\/start (\S+)$/)
if (start) {
const cmdToRun = start[1]
startContainer(DAPI_KEY.key).then((data) => {
for (const conn of conns) {
conn.write(`${USERNAME} ran start: \n` + data)
const stop = input.match(/^\/stop (\S+)$/)
if (stop) {
const stop = input.match(/^\/stop (\S+)$/)
if (stop) {
const cmdToRun = stop[1]
stopContainer(DAPI_KEY.key).then((data) => {
for (const conn of conns) {
conn.write(`${USERNAME} ran stop: \n` + data)
const restart = input.match(/^\/restart (\S+)$/)
if (restart) {
const restart = input.match(/^\/restart (\S+)$/)
if (restart) {
const restart = restart[1]
restartContainer(DAPI_KEY.key).then((data) => {
for (const conn of conns) {
conn.write(`${USERNAME} ran restart: \n` + data)
const stats = input.match(/^\/stats (\S+)$/)
if (stats) {
const stats = input.match(/^\/stats (\S+)$/)
if (stats) {
const stats = stats[1]
getStats(DAPI_KEY.key).then((data) => {
for (const conn of conns) {
conn.write(`${USERNAME} ran stats: \n` + data)
else {
// if (!LOGGEDIN) return console.log("Please login using /login [API KEY]")