
55 lines
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A free to use update tool which checks phish.sinking.yachts database.
It adds all domains found after custom domains are added. If not needed they can be commented or removed.
**added a processbar**
To install this package you can use one of the below.
git clone https://git.codingvm.codes/ultimateplayer1999/Golang-phish-update.git (Use this one if you do not have SSH keys linked.)
git clone git@git.codingvm.codes:ultimateplayer1999/Golang-phish-update.git
To install the needed external packages use the following commands.
go get github.com/joho/godotenv
go get github.com/cheggaaa/pb/v3
go get github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
The following code is needed in a .env. This is for the DB connection.
This is based on the phish table. Table can also be changed if needed.
Execution time is *1h26m19.334785368s*. This was for **18876 records**.
Sample output with provided code:
Script started at 12-01-2023 13:49:59
Deletion: Number of rows affected: 59
Altering: Number of rows affected: 0
Insert: Number of rows affected: 1
Insert: Number of rows affected: 1
Status code dbsize endpoint: 200
12-01-2023 13:50:00: Initial database table setup done
Status code: 200
18876 / 18876 [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->] 100%
Total number of rows affected: 18876
Recent changes recieved and has been added to the database. Removed domains deleted from database. Reorded domains.
Script ended at 12-01-2023 15:16:19
Time until completion: 1h26m19.334785368s
The binary may need to be rebuild. As it is build on Ubuntu and it may also depends on how you installed Golang.